Wheee Random

May 29, 2006 22:49

Wow, okay. I am *impressed* by the end of this season on the OC.

They pulled out their cool editing and soundtrack tricks. But most of all, they remembered that the series is best with Ryan (and Seth) in pain. (Damn, that scene where Ryan didn't invite his mom to graduation.) And also with Ryan being violent. Yay. Him and Volchek going all alpha-male and savagely fighting about Marissa. And it's cool how Volchek is like an almost-Ryan, like if Ryan had a little less morality. Like his brother. As it is he has just enough immorality to be hot and just enough morality to be woobie. (But totally fabricated dating and then break-up for Theresa! Annoying! Stop doing that, writers!) And a big hurrah for Sandy finally getting his head out of his ass. It always bothered me that he left his public defender job. It's who he is!

And Marissa might not be dead! It's possible! (Though it's Ryan's stupid male ego that crashed the car anyways.) I feel like I want her to be alive and a possibility because no one makes Ryan hurt like his mom and Marissa. And the show hasn't given me any other coupley option to root for with Ryan other than Ryan/Seth. (And BTW did you catch Seth's I love you to Ryan?)


I had a conference in Kobe for work last week. It was mad fun and Kobe is beautiful. It's only like an hour and a half away, so I'll have to go there again and sightseeeee. We had dance parties in the street (you know how the bands always play at the train stations) at Sannomiya Station, and we were so awesome that the cops came to break us up. (They never do that for the street breakdancers in Osaka!) Some Japanese salarymen thought my twisting ability (for "Twist and Shout") was "sugoi." LOL. I met lots of awesome JETs and made new friends and started really using my keitai address book. So handy! (Yes, Boy, you told me so.) I even put my random mad karaoke practicing to good use and conquered "Suerte" in karaoke. So fast! So Spanish! Then Ryan from W&M spouted interesting and scary conspiracy theories at me on the train home about which he's apparently written a book! Hm, I did learn some cool teaching stuff at the conference, but with four schools it's really difficult for me to do lots of it. I always feel so scattered.

The conference kind of took it out of me though. I was all set to do the Turnbull vid right before the conference. It's all clipped (which is not the way I usually vid), but Premiere is being slow, and I just can't get inspired to actually *vid* it. I feel like even reading other people's ljs is too hard right now. I know, right? How lazy can you be? But I guess I'm more interested at the moment in listening to and watching stories than in discussions. These things come in phases. I need to recharge from being so awesomely social and vivacious. Well, for me. Hee.

oc, rl

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