Stuff! About me!

May 07, 2006 16:40

I am too lazy to look up bullets, so I'll just use dashes instead and we can pretend!

- My new external hard drive FAILED. Within a MONTH of purchase. That is so unacceptable. I can't even. All my Star Trek and lots of older stuff that I didn't really care about so much and my Due South, which is easily replaceable, is GONE. I am re-dling Star Trek, but I just feel so BETRAYED that there was NO WARNING. Western Digital, I shake my fist at you!!! And now they're mailing me a replacement one, which is nice, you know, that my money isn't just *gone*. But how will I ever trust you again, oh faithless hard drive? There are some things that just can't be forgiven! OTOH, I'm not about to let 320 gigs just sit there empty. So it will probably be used for vid temp files and new stuff. Hmm. I'm just glad there was nothing IMPORTANT on it, like all my vids or music or pics, which are on my older TRUSTWORTHY external. ::PETS::

- You remember how my headphone jack went all zooming around my computer? Well, I *finally* got the warranty thing transferred, and Boy used his magic powers of Speaking Japanese to get Dell Japan to fix my computer. They're coming on TUESDAY and my computer could be gone TEN DAYS. ::pants:: I can replace a motherboard in an HOUR. That had better be a damn conservative time estimate. So uh, I guess I'll be doing a lot of reading, huh. I have cleverly saved my books for just such an eventuality. Reading fics instead of books was all part of my master plan, yes... ::steeples fingers::

- Boy was here for all of Golden Week which was yay, even though I was deathly ill for most of it. We went to Osaka yesterday and it was fun! We went to the enormous HEP mall (Me: "What does HEP mean?" Boy: "Hepatitis?") and rode the GIANT FERRIS WHEEL which is attached (No, I did NOT think of John Sheppard, because I am NOT AN SGA PERSON REALLY though I may play one on the internet.), and Boy was manly and brave because he is scared of heights (haha). We went to the little Joypolis video arcade/tiny amusement park inside, and went to one of those 4D shows where the seats move. It was a scary CGI video, basically a promotion for Project Zero, a new video game that Boy already knew all about because he is a dork. (Even the other Japanese people didn't know!)

And the HEP mall was entirely composed of tiny expensive stores filled with QUESTIONABLE FASHIONS. God, Mimi you should have *seen* some of the stuff they were trying to pass off as clothing. An ugly used car salesman jacket for like $1500! ::shudders:: So I bought socks! And that was it. I couldn't even find a simple black belt, much less a nice jacket. Really.

On the train home, I was discussing how I feared the 80s might be making a comeback, and then I noticed that the young dude across from us was wearing this black and white plaid jacket with lots of DECORATIVE SILVER ZIPPERS, and it looked like the cut of it was the two-button style of jacket, and he had the sleeves PUSHED UP. Luckily he was wearing socks (I checked.), so we're not totally in Miami Vice territory yet, but I have seen a few leg-warmers on girls and I am LEERY of these developments.

HM. Boy just left, and he LEFT THE CHILI POWDER BEHIND. I gave it to him because he was all musing, "I want some Mexican food," and I was all HERE TAKE THIS! Because my stepmother sent over some chili powder with Dad and Brother. GOD KNOWS where their heads were because if they know me at ALL they should know that I can't tolerate any kind of spice. But I felt bad throwing it away, because it is Perfectly Good chili pepper - well as "good" as anything so inherently EVIL AND DEMONIC can be, I suppose. And now Boy has left it here again. SIGH.

- I just watched Hercules 515 "Greece Is Burning". The one where Hercules is arrested by the FASHION POLICE for wearing leather in summer and then gets the Widow Twanky to help Althea put on a fashion show. I am just FILLED WITH GLEE for Twanky and Michael Hurst! I love how Twanky is such a lusty widow and objectifies Hercules! Go Hurst! If anyone wants it, I will totally upload it and SHARE THE LOVE! (Breakdancing! Cross-dressing! Musical numbers!)


- ...WHY IS HUGH DILLON BALD??? Please tell me this isn't permanent.

- I finally finished filling all the holes in my Jeremiah viewing. I just love it so much my heart hurts. I want to squeeze all their little cheeks. But the finale needs more resolution than that! Everything is chaos! Where is Jeremiah's Dad??

- I was so on target. Really. I was all TURNBULL VID TURNBULL VID TURNBULL TURNBULL TOTALLY TURNBULL. And then my hd failed and they're taking my computer away and I had to postpone it.

Then I saw the Supernatural finale (WHICH WAS DIVINE LOVE) and was ambushed and hit over the head with a TOTALLY PERFECT SONG, and now I have this annoying new Supernatural vid stuck in my brain. ::tilts head and hops on one leg::

So help! Which one should I do first? Turnbull? Sam?

(The Gundam Wing vids? The old Methos vid? Jump Street? Blair? The annoyingly persistent Perfect Smallville Vid which I've had in my brain for like FIVE YEARS NOW and can't make because remember brain how I DON'T WATCH SMALLVILLE? HM? The angry RayK vid? The Persuaders vid? The angstysex F/K vid, which may use the same song as the SV vid?)

vidding, rl

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