I couldn't *not* cap it!

Apr 25, 2006 22:21

David's Oedipal complex is SO WOOBIE AND LOVE.

Star Trek:

I've started filling up my new 350 gb hd with Star Trek TOS. I DON'T KNOW WHY. (Priority, of course, given to episodes in the ship_manifesto. Thanks, Killa!)

Spock is:

a skinny geek
a half-breed
a social outcast
a man who loves deeply
a man who is looking for answers
a man who would die for his principles
has special talents and above average intelligence
has hidden angst
is secretly an heir to a very high house ("He never mentioned that his family was this important.")

In short, he hits a lot of my character buttons.

Operation: Annihilate!

So Kirk's nephew survives, right? Do we ever hear about him again? Spock in pain is pretty.


Charlie X:

Charlie is everything annoying and embarrassing about Wesley. Ew...

But the way they treated him is partly to blame. I mean someone needed to give that kid a hug.

Uhura singing about Spock the demon sexual predator and Spock SMILING and accompanying her is SO CUTE I COULD DIE.

And, ah, the rampant homosexuality aboard the Enterprise.

White crewmember: I'll put the equipment away. See you in the rec room, huh?
Black crewmember: You got a deal, friend. (black guy slaps white guy's ass and leaves)

So Charlie naturally assumes that this is the correct response to making a date. (I mean seriously. Do guys DO that? Guys who aren't gay or football players I mean.) And later, when Rand is making a date with him to meet at the rec room, he slaps her ass, leaving her and her plaid beehive quite unsettled. He doesn't know what he did wrong. She tells him to talk to Kirk or McCoy about what he did and they'd explain it.

So he finds Kirk and slaps *Kirk's* ass to demonstrate. Hah. Kirk fumbles for an explanation.

"Man to man is one thing. But man and woman is... well... uh... it's a... another thing."

Oh poor Kirk. Forced to try and explain the difference between how men are supposed to treat female crewmembers - apparently only appropriate for looking at or marrying - and male crewmembers, who are appropriate for buddyfucking.


The Naked Time:


::clutches Spock::

(But ew to Kirk and Janice Rand. I never saw that coming.)

Man this is like the only episode where I can stand Chapel, and it's the one where she's crazy (and all Mary-Sue-ish). Normally, she's just so *stupid*. I don't get why Majel made such a stupid character. I mean, she's Gene's *wife*; she can be whatever she wants! The universe is her plaything! And she comes up with *Chapel*. Okay...


Shore Leave:

OMG SQUEE. Kirk thinks that it's Spock rubbing his back in the command chair, and when he finds out it isn't he looks all disappointed and stops the girl who is.

Kirk is all tired and leaning on things and rubbing himself.

God, Kirk and Spock look hot in this ep. Even *Bones* is looking good.

AWW. Spock tricks Kirk into taking a break and going to the planet.

OMG Kirk *tracking* the giant imaginary rabbit so *seriously*. Cute!

Everyone but the girl has a phaser. And then Sulu guides her with a hand on her back. She's incompetent because she's a woman! Gargh! And then she has to be rescued and her shirt is torn. (At least it's someone other than Kirk who has a torn shirt.) And hello, Don Juan does not *assault* women and tear their shirts and make them cry. He seduces them. Then she becomes a fairy tale princess. "A lady to be protected! And fought for!" GAG ME.

OMG leetle studious baby Academy Kirk being bullied! I want fic!

Random samurai attacking Sulu. Planet of the stereotypes!

Spock disobeys orders and beams down to save Kirk!

Haha, Kirk shoots the jousting knight with a gun. How Monty Python.

Kirk and Spock grieving for McCoy = hot.

Kirk and Spock standing there literally rubbing elbows.

I love how you can see the white man-panties on Kirk and Finnegan when they're fighting.


Oh, there goes Kirk's shirt. Man, how many of those did they go through each season?

And hah, I've discovered that Kirk's shirt actually spontaneously rips itself.

First shot: Kirk is down for the count.

Cut to close-up: His shirt is torn!

It's magically self-ripping!

But it's true that Kirk dirty and bruised and defeated, panting on the ground with his man-boob cleavage showing and that black band of collar still around his neck is really hot, okay, I admit it. The shirt ripping thing does *work*, dammit, even though it's annoying.

OMG KIRK WEARS WHITE KNEE SOCKS under the boots! Or else white long underwear, which I would find very disturbing.


This is how Kirk and Spock take cover.

I just... I have no words. There's a reason they were the first, you know?

I love Spock *reaching after* Kirk and then dropping his hand.


But she's just a fantasy, and Kirk still laughs at Spock's jokes, so yay.


Tholian Web:


No? Just me? Okay.

Spock and McCoy grieving and sniping and loving Kirk = LOVE


The Way to Eden:

Starfleet: We're a bunch of uptight nerds, and we're proud of it!

Hippies: Loosen up, man! [insert invented slang here]

Kirk and Spock: (attempt to use invented slang) (are so square)

Chekov: Acts! Gets Russian nookie! Accidentally betrays ship!

Hmm, there's a lot of watching people die on this show. It's almost a hobby.


Amok Time: the best thing ever. I couldn't stop making the high-pitched noises.

But I so don't buy that the plaktow is broken so easily. And they tantalize us with this high drama and sex and death and then whisk it away so quickly without following through and resolving it. Grrr. Now I know where the impulse to write all those post-"Amok Time" fics comes from (setting aside the lovely fuck-or-die plot device).


Patterns of Force:

Whips! Handcuffs! Half-naked Kirk and Spock working *closely* together.

Spock half-naked and working on the communicator with delicate and precise movements of his fingers.

Spock's forearm with the injection of the subdermal transponder. I mean, seriously, you *never* see his whole forearm.

Is that hand porn? I think that's hand porn.

Kirk and Spock in civvies! Spock in a fugly cardigan! And then Spock shirtless for like most of the episode yes thank you thank you thank you.

Spock manages to make those uniform riding pants look sexy. Not even Fraser was able to do that.


I also like the cool racial integration on this show. With the black guy slapping the white guy's ass, etc. It's really refreshing. In the background of Nurse Chapel's fiance episode, there's a black female crewmember and a white male crewmember just standing REALLY close together and watching Chapel contact her fiance. They serve no purpose other than Gene saying LOOK VISIBLE INTEGRATION HERE (and possibly interracial romance). It was just a big fuck you to segregation and discrimination, and little touches like that are throughout the show, done pretty subtly too (for Star Trek).


Hmm, Shatner and Nimoy are both of Ukranian Jewish ancestry. Random.


I've never really watched a show that's so dependent on the actors to carry it (apart from the few Blake's 7 eps I watched). The later Trek has such slick special effects that you don't have to work hard to suspend your disbelief, because it looks like it's really... happening. But the sets and effects on Star Trek are SO CHEESY AND BAD that it's the actors that you really believe and invest in emotionally. They bring the world to life. The way Spock and Sulu manipulate the controls, pressing buttons so skillfully and as if with long practice, makes me believe that those controls are real, and not pathetic pieces of fake set.

The koon-ut kalifee was *really* silly looking. Those hoods! When they started with the close ups of the little ringing bells, I was about to bust out laughing. But then they cut to a shot of Spock looking so shattered and desperately invested in the ceremony that I totally believed it, because I believed *him*. BTW, it amazes me just how much of Vulcan culture was totally made up on the fly by the actors. Not so much cohesive world building a la J. Michael Straczynski.

But one thing that doesn't help my suspension of disbelief is the MEDICAL DOCTOR's apparent sanguinity when watching people DIE. I know it's a cliche that he always says, "He's dead, Jim." But he *does*. And the worst part is that that's ALL HE DOES while they're dying. He doesn't really seem like he's trying to save them. What, they don't have defibrillators in the 23rd century? Even when Kirk's sister-in-law dies in SICKBAY, McCoy just stands there and watches her pulse reading fall to zero. No adrenaline hypos, no computer defibrillations. This from a doctor who carries *neural paralyzers* with him everywhere just on the off chance he needs to induce simulated death. This from the Federation medical technology that has invented a drug to CURE ALL MENTAL ILLNESS. I mean seriously. WTF.


Hah, all throughout watching these episodes, I keep recognizing clips from "Closer." Hee. And then I get distracted from the plot by the fucking in my brain. Yes.

For those of you who have yet to see our reigning Olympic gold medalist in action. I have to say, I'm not much of a Plushenko fan (though his spins are *beautiful*), but I adored this, at least what I saw through my fingers. He outdid Candeloro! Hm, I wonder where this was. I totally missed the Olympics this year. Oh well.

This makes my little Japanese culture, slash, and gender studies brain SO HAPPY.

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