Stranger Things!

Dec 17, 2017 12:33

I forgot to post about Stranger Things!

This season was still really good, but I don't feel like the plot strands tied together as well as last season. That whole Chicago episode seemed disconnected from everything. And we still don't know much about the underlying mysteries, like what is the upside down and what experiments were done to the children.

Also, the characters didn't really grow and learn to overcome problems together like they should have. When Steve and Billy were fighting, instead of the kids defeating Billy first and then Steve driving them because he realizes they all have to work together, the writers showed the kids taking advantage of Steve's unconscious state to drive his car against his wishes. El and Hopper fighting seemed kind of melodramatic, and their conflict was never really resolved, much less in a way that served the plot or character growth. Max didn't seem to have much to do. Not only did Jonathan not help solve the possession problem, he couldn't even bear the exorcism. (Joyce was awesome.) That whole exorcism was also ridiculous. The writers should have done something with the video game arcade analogy, how the monster was controlling Will like a video game avatar, and how Max/Jonathan/Dr. Owens/El could use their skills to disrupt it somehow. Overall, there were precious few scenes of people learning to use their skills together to solve problems.

Except, of course, for Bob!!!! I loooved Bob. Saving the day with BASIC!

I did enjoy the Nancy/Jonathan scenes a lot. (And I have now read all the Steve/Nancy/Jonathan in existence.) And Steve was amazing, and his relationship with Dustin was adorable.

stranger things

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