Craving for salt

Sep 24, 2011 21:41

Day 1 - Pride: 7 great things about yourself
Day 2 - Envy: 7 things you lack and covet
Day 3 - Wrath: 7 things that piss you off
Day 4 - Sloth: 7 things you neglect to do
Day 5 - Greed: 7 worldly material desires
Day 6 - Gluttony: 7 guilty pleasures

Day 7 - Lust: 7 love secrets
  • I think few things are sexier than roleplaying in bed.
  • A good friend was surprised at how few porn terms I know.
  • I've only ever fantasized about either fictional people or people I know. Never celebrities or such.
  • I'm not generally very girly, but do fit one stereotype: I prefer written over visual pr0n.
  • None of these are secrets (otherwise why post on the internet), but let's go on with blatant truths. I've slept with only two people in my life.
  • I've kissed... *counting* I believe ten people.
  • I don't understand people making a distinction between men and women. I fall in love with a person.

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