Which Sex and the City Player Are You? Find out @
She's Crafty You're upbeat, insightful, effervescent and imaginative.
Sometimes a little too imaginative... You're all about the subtext, about what's going on between the lines. You very rarely take anything at face-value.
You also have a tendancy to be a little neurotic and self-absorbed, and fall for guys who are either (for the most part) emotionally unattainable or completely wrong for you.
That's okay, though, everyone loves you anyway. You're very well-liked. You always have a shoulder for your friends to cry on or an ear for them to gossip in. High-profile and fun, you're the life of the party.
(okay, that's freaky how on that is...and is it any coincidence that at one time I was thinking about having my own column named "Your Very Own Carrie Bradshaw"?)
Your are a Passionate 'In the Moment' Kiss! You
love to make things a little sweeter than they
already are. Or maybe you just enjoy being one
damn hot boy!
What kind of Hot Boy Kiss are you?? brought to you by
Quizilla You Are The Pretty Boy
What Type Of Gay Man Are You? brought to you by
Quizilla (I'm a pretty boy my ASS!! And wait a minute...is that who I think it is? Could it possibly be my husband?!?! I think it is...Danny Roberts, is that you? Oh yeah, like we were saying with Carrie and the unavailable men...this is the epitome of that. And what's up with all the Dannys? I swear I'm destined to be with one...at least once. lol)