Yuletide nominations are underway over on AO3, which is pretty exciting! Whenever I fall out of the habit of updating my blog, Yuletide always pulls me back.
The mods increased the number of requests people can make this year (to 6!) and I think that looks like a promising solution to the matching problem, but I guess it doesn't do much for the tag bloat issue, does it? Oh well. I'm just glad they didn't decide to keep the "two noms" rule (I think everyone's glad they didn't keep that rule).
I actually remembered to keep note during the year of potential Yuletide fandoms to nominate, so I wasn't faced with the debilitating panic of OMG WHAT TO NOMINATE that can happen this time of year. Three of my noms I pulled right out of my notes and punched in:
Decoys (2004)
Constance Snowden
This is the Canadian film where the women of an alien species have infiltrated a university campus in Canada in order to seduce and impregnate men so they can save their species from extinction. I, of course, watch this film with its terrible themes of predatory women, sexual assault, and death, and decide I want fluffy fix-it fic. Do you think I'll scare potential writers away because of the mpreg? Do I care?
Gil's All Fright Diner - A. Lee Martinez
I'm bringing this fandom back from the first year I did Yuletide, because I still want The Continuing Adventures of a Ghost, a Werewolf, and a Vampire Roadtripping Across America. I actually wish this had a million fics, because Martinez apparently has no interest in writing sequels and I want to read all the stories about the protagonists, and about Rockwood, and about Hector the wizard metaphysical scholar. The lack of fic for Martinez' works is depressing.
Alien Nation
George Francisco
Susan Francisco
Matthew Sikes
Cathy Frankel
Does anyone remember this gem from the late 80s/early 90s? I love sci-fi that uses its fantastical elements to makes points about social issues (even if this show falls into the trope of All Aliens Are White *eyeroll*). Sometimes the message is a little heavy-handed, but in general I enjoyed what this show did and I really like the characters and their stories. I wasn't sure who to nominate because I love the whole cast, so I just picked two of the dudes and two of the ladies.
For my fourth nom I had originally planned to use cryptozoology somehow, but I wasn't 100% sure about how. I bounced off
melannen a bit and settled on some classic cryptozoology RPF:
Cryptozoology RPF
Ivan T. Sanderson
Bernard Heuvelmans
Tom Slick
Jimmy Stewart
Did you know that actor Jimmy Stewart was a friend of Tom Slick and conspired with him to smuggle yeti bones out of Nepal? I hate that they stole parts of a Buddhist Relic (what the hell), but the story seems interesting. Maybe my dear writer could write me the story of how the monks at the monastery pulled a fast one and the stolen bones were planted fakes? IDK. The section in my Dear Writer letter that covers this fandom is going to be long and rambly and feature potential Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them crossover ideas.
I can't wait until nominations are over and I can peruse the final fandom list! So exciting!