The other day I rewatched
Decoys, a sci-fi/horror film of the Canadian variety.
I'd seen Decoys once before, years ago when it aired on SPACE not long after its release. I remember liking it, more or less, but it didn't leave much of an impression on teenaged me. Horny teenaged boys being victimized by sexy women who are secretly monsters didn't exactly seem like a mind-blowing premise.
My rewatch left me much more impressed. I can't actually tell if it was intentional (probably? But I'm not sure), especially since the sequel seemed to go in a different direction, but I ended up sympathizing with the aliens. The film certainly starts out with the aliens positioned as the ruthless killers and the male protagonist as a regular joe caught in their territory, but as the movie began to wrap up the protagonist becomes increasingly unhinged while the aliens turn into his victims.
And, yeah, I sort of came out of it shipping Constance/Roger. Miiiiiight have to make this a Yuletide fandom next year. Would potential writers be scared away if I requested mpreg? It's canonical, dammit :-P