Aug 22, 2009 07:53
It's the second day of our roadtrip down East. We're driving down to PEI, staying a weeks with relatives, and then coming back for August 30th. I'm excited, I love visiting the Maritmes and didn't go last year.
Last night around 7:30pm local time we reached the hotel. My family, you guys. After ordering an consuming room service (I was surprised at how 'fancy' the food all was. They didn't have any simple options, it was all 'chicken florentine' and 'sole fillet stuffed with crab') we settled into bed. And that was a BATTLE.
My father cannot sleep with even the tiniest amount of light in the room, while my mother feels claustrophobic if she wakes up at night and can't sleep. It's a miracle they ever manage to sleep in the same room. Anyway, last night my mom insisted on having the bathroom light left on, with the door closed, so she could see a bit. Of course, my dad complained that it was unnecessary because light would come under the hallway door and the curtains. They argued back and forth, but my mom obviously won.
Finally we all got in bed and turned off the appropriate lights. For a few minutes it was silent, as we settled in. Then, out of the darkness (I maintain that it was dark) came my father's voice: "It's like a SUN shining in my FACE!"
Please note that he was curled up facing away from the door/bathroom.
Cue an uproar of laughter. We're talking 10-15 minutes of cramping-inducing guffaws. We didn't quiet down and finally sleep for at least half an hour :-P
Today we head for the Confederation Bridge. Whoo. Hopefully the weather will stay okay until we get to Charlottetown!