Star Trek Comic (En Francais).

Nov 20, 2011 23:44

This is a comic I did for my French class. Spock and Kirk have some drinks aboard the Enterprise. :D

Rough Translation:
STAR TREK (in French)
Kirk: Hello, Spock!
Spock: Hello, Captain.
Kirk: I'm sorry I'm late. Where is the waiter? I'm very thirsty.
M. Robot: You would like?
Kirk: For me, a Synthehol.
Spock: A mineral water, please.
Kirk: What are you doing this weekend?
Spock: I am going with Nurse Chapel to the botanical garden. And you?
Kirk: I'm going to see a film with Lieutenant Uhura. Are you free tonight? Do you want to listen to my new Klingon poetry CD with me?
Spock: All right.
Kirk: Ah, Mr. Robot, how much is it?
M. Robot: It is 5 credits.
Kirk: You're going to pay, right?
Spock: That is illogical, Captain.

comic, art, star trek

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