
Nov 15, 2011 11:26

Happy Birthday to my birthday buddy, shipperx! :D

Thank you for the birthday wishes and virtual gifts, everyone! Even though it's a rainy, blustery day, I am having a fairly good time. One of my professors gave me a ton of books for my thesis work, and (joy of all joys!) he gave me a gorgeous, black-bound two volume set of the complete works of the Marquis de Sade. He said, "I don't think a girl like you would like these." I said, "I love all books, especially those of authors writing under oppression, so I'll take them as an example of free speech." Secretly, I was thinking, "GIMME!" XD I'm so weird, I know. I felt kinda awkward carrying two enormous books of pure 18th century pornography, but they are going to look so awesome on my bookshelf. They are also going to keep me inspired while writing the finishing touches on the sequel to Versailles Undone... if I can ever finish posting my WIP fanfics. *falls over*

*hugs to all*

birthday, joys

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