8 July - Back Deck Garden

Jul 11, 2014 17:01

A month or so ago, my piano teacher gave me some zucchini starts and some onion starts... so we picked up a few large containers at Costco and stuck them on the back deck, where the zucchini proceeded to absolutely go crazy. We've actually already got one zucchini ready to eat with a ton more not far behind. I wasn't sure how well they'd do in a container, but it seems to be working just fine (the cucumbers next to them aren't thriving quite as well, but are still growing) and the onions are surprising me, as well.

One of these days, we may get around to putting in a garden plot somewhere in the yard... or we may just continue with the container gardening, since it means we don't have to worry about the deer getting to any of it. Since I took this photo, rackham has moved pretty much all the other plants from the front deck here to the back deck. The front deck just gets too hot this time of year and plants were starting to scorch. We'll have to see if they do any better on this side of the house.

photos 2014

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