4 July Photo - Traditions!

Jul 07, 2014 21:53

One of my family traditions for Independence Day is to grill up either Guamanian-style ribs or Guamanian-style chicken (or both!) and serve them with homemade potato salad (plus other sides). The marinade is one that my Grandpa picked up when he was stationed on Guam with the Navy when my mom was a little girl, so she grew up with it. I think my dad initially got the recipe from her, but then he got stationed on Guam when I was a kid and we ran into the same marinade everywhere there (and I've bumped into other folks who have lived on Guam at various time who all use the same one). It's basically a variation of Finadene Sauce used almost like a brine.

I've used this same marinade with pork ribs, beef ribs, steak and chicken and it always turns out wonderfully! Unfortunately, I can't really share... because it's one of those family recipe things where I just know how to make it and it generally involves adding stuff until it looks/smells/tastes right. Our version has soy sauce, white vinegar, onions, lemons, limes and boonie peppers (I use dried, because that's all I can get), then water to fill it out and cover things.

The other tradition is my Grandma's potato salad... another family recipe that I know how to assemble, but couldn't give you amounts or even ratios. I think the only change I've made is that I often use red potatoes instead of russets.

So, there it is... Guamanian-style pork ribs, Grandma's potato salad and some watermelon for good measure. It's the taste of summer.

photos 2014

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