Project 365 - Day 360: Hogsmeade Souvenirs

Aug 24, 2010 15:54

Saturday, I pretty much crashed and worked on fighting off the hovering Con Crud that was trying to take over my sinuses. So, I bring you a photo of various items I smuggled home from my visit to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter!

Day 360: Wizardly wonders )

365 project 2009-2010

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Comments 5

fenderlove August 25 2010, 00:13:14 UTC
SOOO CUTE! I had a feeling that the chocolate frog would be sorta gross- cheap American chocolate = yuck, but I adore the box. XD

Go, go Slytherin! Go! Go! :D


zanthinegirl August 25 2010, 00:28:38 UTC
I love the chocolate frog, even is it's icky american chocolate. But the pumpkin juice bottle is just... neat!


saifai August 25 2010, 00:45:51 UTC
Love the bottle and the frog box. Those are super cool. Don't hate me, I actually like American chocolate. It's rather like chocolate-flavored sugar. Gotta love it! LOL


tomte August 25 2010, 03:41:53 UTC
Chocolate-flavored sugar is one thing. Chocolate-flavored wax (which is how much cheap American chocolate strikes me) is another. Gleah.


saifai August 25 2010, 03:57:54 UTC
Will agree on the was flavor depending on the kind you get. The cheaper it is, the more wax.


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