Fighting against entropy

May 27, 2010 01:06

Fenced again tonight- performance was pretty shoddy, at least by my standards- though admittedly it was sufficient to keep the younger fencers on their toes. Still, a few shots slipped in that wouldn't have a few months back.

Lungs definitely working at reduced capacity- had to suck wind pretty hard between fights to keep going and it was hard to sustain bursts of activity to the extent that I once relied upon. A freshly slipped disk in my neck was more of a problem than the weakened lungs tho- the pad between my C3 and C4 vertebrae is herniating out and squishing the nerves to my right arm. The problem comes and goes, but when it IS a problem its pretty damn distinct: tingling, numbness, weakness, shooting sparks of pain- a tendency for the arm to get locked and tense- much like the issue five years back that lead to the C4-C5 fusion surgery.

I hope they are getting those replacement disks onto the market soon, just in case I need to become more bionic...
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