All of Old Cast in their own room?
Why thaaaaaank you, Ueshima!
Tuti apparently next to Nagayan? With their lovechild Guitalele-kun?
Why thaaaaaank you, Nagayan!
(on a side note, I just...it's really cute for some reason that Nagayan titled to entry *giggle* :PPPPP) <--KLM is obviously in FULL SWING
But sheesh ffs Tuti, you've probably been in that dressing room for 20 min and already you're educating Souta, TakiEiji, Kime, and Yanagi on why the hell MoriEiji, Nagayan, Eiki, and Naoya all released simultaneous groans of frustration when you brought that thing out of its bag. HAVE SOME COMPASSION, MAN. now his skillz can be captured on TWO DVDs :D