Title: The Game Author: Femvamp Fandoms: Smallville/Heroes Disclaimer: Neither Smallville or Heroes belong to me. Spoilers: Smallville at least season 8 / Heroes pre season 1 ------------------------------------------------------
Title: How Did You Think This Was Going To End Author: Femvamp Fandom: Smallville Charcter: Chloe Centric Spoilers: Up to Doomsday Disclaimer: Show is not mine. If it was I'd do better then the crackheads who wrote Doomsday because I'm not on crack. Really I'm not. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ( Read more... )
Title: I Never Promised You a Happy Ending 8/8 Author: Femvamp Disclaimer: Smallville sucks doody. Yes I said it. “doody.” I don’t own the doody. Note: This is in response to the Smallville Failsday Challenge. Note: My idea is to change the events of Beast………..to this. ---------------------------------------------- ( Maybe Oliver was right. Maybe she had become one of the bad guys. )
Title: I Never Promised You a Happy Ending 6/? Author: Femvamp Disclaimer: Smallville sucks doody. Yes I said it. “doody.” I don’t own the doody. Note: This is in response to the Smallville Failsday Challenge. Note: My idea is to change the events of Beast………..to this. ---------------------------------------
Title: I Never Promised You a Happy Ending 5/? Author: Femvamp Disclaimer: Smallville sucks doody. Yes I said it. “doody.” I don’t own the doody. Note: This is in response to the Smallville Failsday Challenge. Note: My idea is to change the events of Beast………..to this. -------------------------------
Title: I Never Promised You a Happy Ending Author: Femvamp Disclaimer: Smallville sucks doody. Yes I said it. “doody.” I don’t own the doody. Note: This is in response to the Smallville Failsday Challenge. Note: My idea is to change the events of Beast………..to this. -------------------------------
Title: I Never Promised You a Happy Ending Author: femvamp Disclaimer: Smallville sucks doody. Yes I said it. “doody.” I don’t own the doody. Note: This is in response to the Smallville Failsday Challenge. Note: My idea is to change the events of Beast………..to this. -------------------------------
Title: I Never Promised You a Happy Ending Author: Femvamp Disclaimer: Smallville sucks doody. Yes I said it. “doody.” I don’t own the doody. Note: This is in response to the Smallville Failsday Challenge. Note: My idea is to change the events of Beast………..to this. --------------