Title: Tina Gone
Disclaimer: I don't own Tina Fey or Amy Poehler (I believe Lorne Michaels does). I also don't on SNL or any of it affliants or whatever. No infringement on the show or the people in it is intended.
Note: I was rather surprised that no one wrote on this yet. Definite Angst potential. As to what do I mean...........see cut don't want to spoil people who do not know.
Tina Gone
When Amy had found out she was more then a little pissed. Tina should have told her, not let her find out through the grape vine. Hell she had found out the same way everyone else had. Tina was leaving SNL. Tina was leaving HER. Maybe she should have seen it coming. Ever since Alice had been born, Tina had been pulling away from her. It was the little things. Nothing very big. Just the small things that should have made her suspicious but didn’t. The sex had been less frequent, the conversation which at one time had been easy had suddenly gotten strained, and even the weird sexual innuendo on the show had gotten less evident. Now she knew why they said hindsight was 20/20. She should have seen it coming. Now the only question was, did she give Tina up without a fight, or should she do what she always did? Fight dirty, and damn the consequences. She didn’t want to lose Tina, but she wasn’t sure if she wanted to risk everything they had spent most of their lives working for to keep her. That was always the problem between them and that,Amy realized, was what Tina could no longer live with.