(no subject)

Jun 07, 2010 21:49

Title: The Red
Author: Femvamp
Fandom: Dexter
Pairing: Dexter/Rita
Disclaimer: Dexter belongs to the dude who wrote the books, Showtime and other people who aren’t me. Don’t sue…also don’t kill me. Really don’t.
Spoilers: Takes place some time in Season 4 but before the season finale - You know what I’m talking about - if you don’t watch season 4. (It’s a killer.) Well anyway my idea is what if Rita witnesses Dexter killing someone and doesn’t freak out.

She had nearly ruined everything in a moment of anger. Later she would wonder if the anger; burning, consuming, fiery anger had been there all along. Had it been there since she was a child being put down by her mother at every opportunity or had Paul beat it into her? Was the red hot anger she felt something that had seeped into her when she saw that dead man lying on the table bleeding or had it been there waiting patiently for an opportunity to strike; to stake claim?

Did she have her own Dark Passenger?

Had it been whispering to her all along and she had just ignored it? Had she allowed her mother's cruel words, Paul’s cruel fists to beat it into submission? Whatever the answer was; it was out now singing, laughing, whispering in her ear. It wanted the red.

It wanted it bad.

Every day that passed Rita felt her insides tingle with anticipation. When Dexter was gone she closed her eyes and pictured what he was doing; at least at night. During the day he went to work like normal and she took care of the kids. Nothing had changed between them and Rita was determined to make sure that nothing did. Everything needed to stay normal; at least on the outside.

When Dexter left at night; the only difference was that now she knew where he was going. He didn’t lie to her anymore. She had walked in on him researching one of his kills and he had tried to make an excuse. The old Rita would have let him. The new one wanted, the Rita she was becoming wanted, too much to be a part of his life; every aspect of it and she knew that this was the first step.

She helped him research. The Code of Harry needed to be obeyed, that was the important thing and one of the biggest rules was to be sure. If there was any doubt; any at all that the man they were researching was not a killer Dexter needed to move on; but Rita was starting to figure out that her husband had a nose for these things. Like knew like as the saying went; and he was seldom wrong. Rita felt strangely proud of that.

Killing innocent people was never allowed. Rita had learned pretty quickly that Dexter always took the time to make sure he had the right person. He was even more careful that he was prepared. Rita remembered that there had been a whole lot of what looked like saran rap around when she had watched Dexter kill Trinity, and now she knew why. Cleaning up the scene was a part of Dexter’s process; part of his ritual. It helped him avoid getting caught.

Dexter never invited her along on his excursions; whether it was stalking his prey or actually killing them and Rita was starting to get antsy. That was the only explanation she was able to come up with later when she was staring at Dexter with a crowbar in her hand.

She had seen it almost immediately. She wasn’t exactly sure why, but she saw it. She thought maybe it was because of the help she had been giving Dexter; little as it was, but now she was seeing thing; sharks in the water. She was becoming one; a shark, and she smelt blood.

He was too close to Cody.

He was looking at Cody too much.

He touched Cody to many times seemly friendly as it was.

He was a shark.

Rita knew it; she was sure of it. What she wasn’t sure of is where she got that crowbar from; and how she waited until he entered the men’s bathroom. She went in perfectly willing to lie and do some dumb stupid blonde girl thing if she got caught but no one was in the bathroom but the man. She waited in a corner for him. She waited as the darkness that had been growing inside of her whispered joyfully in her ear.

She didn’t see Dexter until he had pulled her out of the bathroom. She wanted to fight him; to scream. This was her kill. He had no right. He was hers. Instead she watched silently as the man walked out of the bathroom and back to the jungle gym. That’s when Rita remembered she had left Cody playing there.

“He’s not there.” Dexter said simply.

“You know what he is?” Rita asked angrily.


“Then why didn’t you let me?”

“Killing must serve a purpose; otherwise it's just plain murder.”

“And taking a child molester off the street isn’t serving a purpose?”

“We don’t know that for sure.”

“Damn it Dexter, yes we do. Don’t you feel it?”

“But we need to be sure.”


Rita watched Dexter. He didn’t speak for a long moment. She saw his face change. He told her that he was incapable of human emotion but she didn’t believe him. He felt; he just felt differently then most people. He was capable of emotions he just kept them at a distance for his own safety. His Dark Passenger took over so much of his life it left little room for human emotion. However she saw him with the kids. She saw him with his sister. She saw how he treated her. He loved her. She was sure of it.

“Yes, we.”

fanfic, story:the red, dexter

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