Dexter Fic: The Red 3/? (Dexter/Rita)

Jun 05, 2010 18:07

Title: The Red
Author: Femvamp
Fandom: Dexter
Pairing: Dexter/Rita
Disclaimer: Dexter belongs to the dude who wrote the books, Showtime and other people who aren’t me. Don’t sue…also don’t kill me. Really don’t.
Spoilers: Takes place some time in Season 4 but before the season finale - You know what I’m talking about - if you don’t watch season 4. (It’s a killer.) Well anyway my idea is what if Rita witnesses Dexter killing someone and doesn’t freak out.

Listening to Dexter tell the story of his life had been difficult. Rita knew that telling it had been difficult as well. Just listening to the way Dexter told the story convinced her of that. This was a story that he was never supposed to tell; that no one was supposed to hear; ever. However Dexter told it and Rita listened.

He told her about how he had witnessed the death of his mother; his real mother and how Harry had been the one to rescue him from the storage container. Rita had been horrified when he told her he had been in there with his dead mother for days sitting in her blood. He told her about his brother. A brother she had apparently met and who had dated his sister. A man who as a boy, had been trapped in the storage container with him and had become a serial killer himself, a serial killer called the Ice Truck Killer.

Dexter told her about how he framed Paul and why he did it. He told her about why he fell for Lila. He said it was never love, because he still believed he wasn’t capable of the emotion, but something else. She saw behind the mask he wore and didn’t flinch. He thought they were the same. He liked that. He didn’t realize how dangerous she really was. He never expected her to go all fatal attraction on him. Dexter told her he killed Lila. Rita couldn’t help being relieved at that. Lila had tried to kill her children and that wasn’t something she would ever forgive and Lila coming back was something she had been fearful of. That was one of the reasons they had moved.

Dexter told her about trying to frame Detective Doakes for his murders. Apparently Dexter was the Bay Harbor Butcher; however he was adamant of the fact that he hadn’t murdered Doakes and Rita believed him. Dexter was a man with a code; a code that was drummed into him since childhood. It didn’t matter that Doakes was a threat he didn’t fit the code and Dexter couldn’t kill him. It had been Lila who had killed him in the end and had inadvertently saved Dexter. Rita wasn’t sure what to think about that. Her anger about what happened between Dexter and Lila was still raw even now, finding out that Lila had saved Dexter’s life even for her own selfish reasons made Rita feel a little less anger towards her; just a little.

He told her about The Prado family and what he had done to them. How he had systematically destroyed them. It was funny in a way the guilt Dexter felt for that. He ruined an entire family because he had killed the wrong man; he had mistakenly broken the code. He had killed an innocent man. That’s how it had started. That’s why he had started the friendship with Miguel Prado. After all what was a little murder between friends? Things had snowballed from there. Soon he had infected Miguel and had nearly driven his brother Ramon insane with rage. Of the three brothers only Romon remained; although his life was in ruins all because the youngest had met Dexter Morgan on a dark night.

Trinity was the most disconcerting to Rita. Arthur Mitchell that had been the name of the man she had witnessed Dexter kill. When Dexter had begun to talk about him she could have sworn she was once again standing in the cold dark room again watching Dexter at work. She could see the man lying on the table bleeding. She could see the red. She could smell it. She was so lost in the memory she almost missed what Dexter said.

“I thought if he could have it all I could as well.”

“What do you mean?” Rita asked.

“I was always told that I couldn’t have it all. The family, the job, the Dark passenger, but he did.”

“And you wanted to know how.” Rita said more then asked, “Then why did you kill him?”

“He got it by torturing his family.” Dexter paused, “He got it by making their lives Hell.”

“And you’re not him.”

“No.” Dexter said almost sadly.

“Dexter, it’s a good thing.” Rita paused and took his hand, “Whatever good or bad Harry did to you he gave you something precious, he gave you a code to live by; maybe it has damned you but it has also saved you. “

“I can’t have it all can I?”

“Why not?” Rita asked. “Maybe we both can.”

And Rita had meant it. It had taken her a little while to figure it out. That first morning after Dexter had told her his story things had been awkward between them. Dexter had expected her to go to the police; to turn him in because that’s what Harry had always told him would happen if his secret had ever gotten out but Rita didn’t want to go to the police. She wanted something else it just took her a little while to figure out what.

And when she did she realized that Harry had been very wrong about Dexter. He could have it all. The darkness in him was more then just a passenger that went along for the ride; it was part of who he was. It had needs; he had needs. He needed someone to be there for him. Someone to love him not in spite of who he was but because of it. He needed someone to be there. He needed someone to look into the depths of him and not be driven crazy by it. He needed someone to see the monster in him and stay.

He needed more then just a wife.

He needed a partner.

fanfic, story:the red, dexter

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