fic: Interesting Times (Being Human - No Pairing)

May 08, 2010 21:08

Title: Interesting Times
Author: Femvamp
Spoilers: I think it was episode 1-6 which is the introduction of the Chaplin character. (Althought I might be wrong.)
Disclaimer: Being Human belongs to people who are far more British then I have any hope of being.
Note: Not sure if the preacher dude's name is actually Mark or not.

Mark had gone into the clergy for the same reason a lot of men did, he believed in God. He loved God. He believed in God’s love for mankind. Like many he had hopes and dreams of becoming the great healer of man’s souls. It was funny retrospect. Maybe it was his vanity or God playing a little funny on him, because God really did have one hell of a sense of humor.

It all started the day he met George Sands, and suddenly he discover the world was a far darker place then he had ever dreamed. Even in his darkest nightmares, even when he listened to the ramblings of the fire and brimstone preachers did he ever realize how dark the world really was.




The stuff of nightmares and they all were true. Maybe not like the stories he loved as a child but still….. When he first met George there was something about him that made him want to help him. George didn’t cry for help he screamed for it. He did it all silently with a stiff upper lip and all that, but Mark wanted to help him none the less and he tried, that’s how he found out the truth, about the truth, and in a round-about way it lead him to something he had never fathomed. It lead him to his calling, his true calling.

Because his calling wasn’t to minister to the humans of the world, it was to minister to the…..otherworldly. The demons, the vampires, the ghosts, and yes the werewolves. And he ministered to them all. He had a chapel that in the middle of nowhere adjacent but not on holy ground (in deference to the vampires who wanted his aide) but it was considered holy ground none the less.

The rules were simple. All were welcome. It didn’t matter if your particular races or species had been at war for centuries, if you were the Capulet’s and the Montague’s of the otherworldly realm his property was sacred ground and if you committed violence on it, you were banished forever. And forever for some was a long time.

It didn’t happen all at once of course. Vampires and werewolves really didn’t like each other, and a lot of other species had issues going back centuries but word got around and eventually his land was used as a meeting place and his ear was used as a sounding block. People talked, and he listened.

He became the Chaplin of the demon realm.

It was interesting job. A job he never expected to have. All because he had met a lost and lonely young man who turned out to be a werewolf. Every time he thought of George he remembered and old Chinese curse he ones heard, may you live in interesting times.

Well for him, that curse had come true.

being human, fanfic

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