{Devil Wears Prada} {fic} - A Mean Sleep by politic_x - Miranda/Andy. {fic updates} - Part 3 of Hanging by the Moments by kyw0202 - Miranda/Andy, Andy/Emily.
Note: Lots of fic is being posted to femslash10. I'm sorry, I need to go to bed. Master List by Fandom (note: there are probably a few fics posted to other comms that slipped through, and I'm sorry, but I can't help that) ( *falls over* )
****femslash_today is in dire need of archivists of archivists for September and October. If you have the spare time and a basic knowledge of Google-fu/Wiki-Fu please consider signing up here.****
{All My Children} {updates} - Part 55 of Arms of an Angel by fab_fan - Bianca/Frankie.