{American Gods}
run right back to her by
doctorkaitlyn -Audrey/Laura .
{DC Universe}
Time to Regrow by
katleept -Batgirl/Ivy (Batman and Robin).
got those pretty little straps around your ankles by
templefugate -Barbara Gordon/Dinah Lance (Birds of Prey).
{Golden Girls}
Those Who Matter by
katleept -Blanche/Dorothy .
{Harry Potter}
Slither by
Swan_Secrets -Hermione/Pansy .
Midsummer's Night Magic by
kiertorata -Lavender Brown/Parvati Patil .
I happen to like nice girls by
digthewriter -Fleur/Tonks .
{Joss verse}
The Greatest Thing by
katleept -Willow/Kennedy .
We'll always Have Minsk by
brutti-ma-buoni -Anya/Dawn .
It's Magic - One More Collab With My Good Friend
henartorinos -Willow/Tara .
Nice Girls Don't Stay For Breakfast by <
beer_good_foamy> -Faith/Buffy .
{Law and Order SVU}
- "
The 4th of July" by
women_in_kevlar -Alex/Olivia .
Gone by
girlslash -Alex/Olivia .
Hope by
women_in_kevlar -Alex/Olivia .
{Power Rangers}
Something Special With You by
katleept -Trini/Kim .
Sugar and Spice by
reinadefuego -Rayna Boyanov/Susan Cooper .
{Teen Wolf}
Five Times Malia Wants to Propose to Kira by
doctorkaitlyn -Kira/Malia .
Predictability by
doctorkaitlyn -Kali/Violet .
{True Blood}
Show Me by
dexstarr -Jessica Hamby/Pam Swynford De Beaufort .
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