{16-22 january 2017}

Jan 22, 2017 14:06

- Wild Night by swan_secrets - Felicity/Laurel/Sara (Arrow)
- Letting Go by swan_secrets - Caitlin/Iris (The Flash)
- Out to Play by 4kennedy - Kara/Lena (Supergirl) **off-LJ link**

- I think you're gonna feel like you belong by crookedspoon - Harley/Emily Sung (Batman/Justice League crossover) **off-LJ link**

{Fire Emblem}
- Shakespeare 1 by
rosage - Titania/Heather (Radiant Dawn) **off-LJ link**

{Harry Potter}
- Sharing A Silence by digthewriter - Pansy Parkinson/Ginny Weasley
- For Her Sins by therealsnape - Poppy Pomfrey / Pomona Sprout

- Stay With Me by
- Buffy/Kendra (BtVS) **off-LJ link**
- take me home and let me use you by
- Faith/Buffy (BtVS) **off-LJ link**
- 10 Faith/Amy drabbles by
- Faith/Amy (BtVS) **off-LJ link**
- Out by
- Buffy/Faith (BtVS) **off-LJ link**
- Wild (Non-songfic version) by
- Buffy/Faith (BtVS) **off-LJ link**
- Chapters 1-5 of Enter The Darkness by
- Buffy/Faith (BtVS) **off-LJ link**
- Chapter 38 of Second Chances: Season 6 by
- Faith/Tara/Willow (BtVS) **off-LJ link**
- Chapter 10 of The Chosen Two, With the Chosen Guts by
- Buffy/Faith (BtVS) **off-LJ link**
- Chapter 5 of The Coven by
- Tara/Willow (BtVS) **off-LJ link**
- Chapter 4 of Remy Maclay by
- Tara/Willow (BtVS) **off-LJ link**
- Chapter 3 of She Who Was My Love by
Forgotten Conscience
- Faith/Buffy (BtVS) **off-LJ link**
- Piquancy podfic written by
& read by
- Buffy/Faith (BtVS) **off-LJ link**

{Luke Cage}
- Faith by reinadefuego - Betty Audrey/Misty Knight **off-LJ link**

{Marvel Comics}
- Reaching For You by katleept - Raven/Irene (X-Men)

{Matthew Reilly}
- Rumour Has It by reinadefuego - Iolanthe Compton-Jones/Zoe Kissane **off-LJ link**

{Original Fic}
- Frost From Our Bones by trobadora - Princess/Female Dragon/Female Dragon Slayer **off-LJ link**

{Penny Dreadful}
- 2 drabbles by dreammaidenn - Mina/Vanessa

{Strawberry Panic!}
- A Thousand Years by reinadefuego - Kaori/Shizuma **off-LJ link**

- femslash100 - challenge #530 - remainder
- femslash100 - AU Drabble Cycle End Date and New Cycle Ideas
- slashthedrabble - Prompt #432 ~ Expectations
femslashficlets - challenge #093 - message **off-LJ link**
- comicstore_news - Closing the Newsletter

dc universe: batman, original fiction, cw: flash(the), dc universe: other, jossverse: buffy (series), harry potter, marvel-verse, cw: supergirl, cw: arrow

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