Dear lovely people who read this newsletter, your attention please! We're currently looking for people who want to be archivists for the upcoming month. We're willing to bribe you with flattery and non-existant candy, and you
can sign up for the job here. Or, if you're looking to do something a little more low-key, we are also looking for people
willing to do tag moderation.
{30 Rock}
Blind Date Remix by
thrace_ - Liz/Gretchen
{Battlestar Galactica}
Left Behind by
jarrow272 - Laura/Tory
She Dreams of Electric Sheep by
frogfrizz - Boomer/?
{fic updated}
Part 9 of Hustle and Flow by
little_tarzan - Sara/Catherine (Vegas)
{Grey's Anatomy}
New community -
And they have a GA girlslash masterlist by
pairing and
{Law and Order}
Look Into My Eyes by
cheyenne_maria - Alex/Olivia (SVU)
Friend of Foe by
whatisayouth - Alex/Olivia (SVU)
I Wonder How They Feel? by
badtyler - Various (TOS/SVU/almost every even slightly lesbian fandom you can think of)
{fic updated}
Chapter 33,
Chapter 34,
Chapter 35 pt. 1,
Chapter 35 pt. 2,
Chapter 36 pt. 1 of Fear Is the Enemy by
chestnayalyubov - Alex/Olivia (SVU)
{Murder in Suburbia}
Episode 3 Icons by
forgivemenot - Ash/Scribbs
Trick by
dementedrainbow - Idina/Kristin
{fic updates}
Part 7 of Inception by
fairchristabel - Idina/Kristin
Change by
aphrodite_mine - Gert/Karolina
A Little Warning by
geonncannon - Sam/Vala (SG1)
Joy Ride by
scarimor - Sam/Vala (SG1)
The Best Made Plans by
meeshyickle - Sam/Janet (SG1)
Situation Normal by
geonncannon - Sam/Janet, Cassie/Jennifer Hailey (SG1)
80 Sappho by
newbie_2u - Sam/Janet (SG1)
The War at Home by
sinadino - Sam/Janet (SG1)
Bad News by
sinadino - Sam/Janet (SG1)
Stubborn by
sinadino - Sam/Janet (SG1)
Where? by
sinadino - Sam/Janet (SG1)
Why? by
sinadino - Sam/Janet (SG1)
Stop It! by
sinadino - Sam/Janet (SG1)
Dammit by
sinadino - Sam/Janet (SG1)
Remembering by
sinadino - Sam/Janet (SG1)
Regrets by
sinadino - Sam/Janet (SG1)
Blue by
sinadino - Sam/Janet (SG1)
Dear Diary by
elfcat255 - Sam/Janet (SG1)
Skipping Diner by
elfcat255 - Sam/Janet (SG1)
Torture by
elfcat255 - Sam/Janet (SG1)
Caught in the Act by
elfcat255 - Sam/Janet (SG1)
Remembering by
elfcat255 - Sam/Janet (SG1)
Warming Up by
elfcat255 - Sam/Janet (SG1)
Veni, vidi… vici? by
sinadino - Sam/Janet (SG1)
Tongue Play by
elfcat255 - Sam/Janet (SG1)
Team Night by
elfcat255 - Sam/Jane (SG1)
Team Night 2 by
elfcat255 - Sam/Janet (SG1)
Team Night 3 by
elfcat255 - Sam/Janet (SG1)
I Dream of Janet by
eclecticfan - Sam/Janet (SG1)
{Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip}
A Series of Insignificant Events by
theagonyofblank - Harriet/Jordan
slashthedrabble - 100
They're taking Fandom of the Month suggestions at