Title: Other Ways
Author: elfcat255
Pairing: Sam and Daniel
Rating: G
Spoilers: None
Warnings: None
Note: come on you know me...it's all good..oh and it's 150 words
Challenge #100 100 Challenge
Challenge #5 Love Letters
Let me count the ways…
“Won’t work,” she grumbled.
Roses are red…
“Stupid…stupid,” she muttered, crumpling another piece of paper.
She threw it towards the trash but her aim was off and it hit Daniel as he walked through the door.
“If I’d known I was going to be target practice I would have knocked,” he said grinning.
“Sorry,” she sighed.
“What’s up?” he asked, coming to stand beside her.
“I’m trying to write a love letter for Janet but it’s not coming out right,” she told him.
“Why?” he asked giving her a confused look.
She shrugged, ”Don’t know; trying to be romantic I guess.”
“There are other ways to express romance,” he told her.
Sam sat up, a smile grew across her face, “You’re right.”
She grabbed her jacket and headed for the door, “Thanks Daniel.”
He watched her leave, a confused look on his face, “Sure…no problem.”
Title: Caught in the Act
Author: elfcat255
Pairing: Sam/Janet
Rating: G
Spoilers: nope
Warnings: nope
Challenge #100 100 Challenge
Challenge #15 Colour Songs
She opened the door to the sounds of the Grateful Dead and the sight of her partner dancing around the living room singing along to Touch of Grey.
A feather duster in her hand turned into a microphone as Janet sang along, dusting and bringing it back up to sing as she cleaned.
Sam watched as the doctor dressed in cut offs and a tie-dyed shirt bopped around the living room. Turning around she stopped in her tracks upon seeing Sam standing in the foyer.
“Umm…hi,” she said waving the duster.
“Having a flashback moment are we?” Sam asked grinning.
Title: Remembering
Author: elfcat255
Pairing: Sam/Janet
Rating: G
Spoilers: None
Warnings: tissue alert
Note: eh...150 words
Challenge #100 100 Challenge
Challenge #41 Photographs
“What are you up to?” asked Janet as she pulled out a chair to sit next to her partner.
“Sorting through old photos; Dad gave me huge box last time he visited,” replied Sam as she laid photos out on the tabletop.
Janet picked up one, “Is this your Mom?”
Sam took the picture from her hand, “Yeah…that’s me and Mark with her.”
“I see where you got your looks from,” Janet said grinning at Sam.
“Yeah…she was beautiful wasn’t she,” Sam said sighing, “I miss her.”
Janet looked at the photos spread across the table, “Well you have lots of images here to remember her by.”
“I know…it’s not the same though,” said Sam, a sad note to her voice.
Janet leaned over hugging her, “Why don’t you tell me about some of these; that way we can keep her memory alive.”
Sam smiled and began sharing her memories.