{20 february 2010}

Feb 20, 2010 21:20

Hooray! The vaguely annual porn battle has been extended another week! Keep the smut coming!

{Baby Sitter's Club}
- This is Not Babysitting by nike_ravus - Stacey McGill/Charlotte Johanssen

{Criminal Minds}
- Part 2 of untitled by femvamp - JJ/Emily

{Devil Wears Prada}
- And the Dawn Breaks by quiethearted - Miranda/Andy
- Chapter 19 of don't stop believin' by gt22 - Andy/Miranda

- Feels Like the First Time by gilligankane - Rachel/Quinn
- you're a lot to lose by yesssirrr - Brittany/Santana
- Spread the Love by zippadedoodah - Quinn/Rachel/Brittany/Santana
- The Little Things by musicbendr - Rachel/Quinn
- Stranger than usual by 4kennedy - Rachel/Quinn
- Your Face is Full of Lies by grdnofevrythng - Quinn/Rachel
- Or Maybe You've Got Somewhere Else To Be by summerstorm - Tina/Santana
- What's so Great about Harvard, Anyway? by ariskako - Santana/Brittany
- Precious by charmphoe - Rachel/Quinn
- Part 1: ...Rachel of Fabray's Way by kben - Rachel/Quinn

{The Good Wife}
- Fracture by demeter94 - Alicia/Kalinda

{Grey's Anatomy}
- One of those Days that Changes Everything by laughter_reigns - Callie/Arizona
- your eyes as my candles by bizarro_bluth - Callie/Arizona
- The Baby Talk by brittlovesher - Callie/Arizona
- Inside Joke by asirnay - Callie/Arizona
- Gentle Sin by somedayxxbway - Callie/Arizona
- Part 23 of I love you Erica by xxlostitxx - Callie/Erica

{Guiding Light}
- Part 30 of Lunar Soul by lostnfoundcause - Olivia/Natalia
- Prologue of Days of War, Nights of Hell by itsalovestory1 - Olivia/Natalia
- Part 5a & Part 5b of Messages by lazydevil40 - Blake/Doris & Olivia/Natalia
- Part 15 of I Call This Love by xrated_bb - Olivia/Natalia, Olivia/Madalyn
- Chapter 3 of The Thing with Feathers by snuffynyc - Olivia/Natalia

{The Hollows}
- Blood Balance by llauraorall - Rachel/Ivy

- Sanguine by [info]beer_good_foamy - Drusilla/Darla (AtS)
- Confessional by blackfic - Dawn/Willow (BtVS)
- Chapter 11 of The Chain of Destiny by cuzimastripper - Buffy/Faith (BtVS)
- Conclusion of Faith the Vampire Slayer by frogfarm - Faith/Willow (BtVS)

{Law & Order}
- First Impressions by future_imp47 - Alex/Abbie (SVU)
- First Kiss by asher_77 - Alex/Olivia (SVU)
- Golden Necklace by bia_slytherin - Alex/Olivia (SVU)
- Chapter 2 of On Appeal by vegawriters - Alex/OFC, Olivia/OFC, eventual Alex/Olivia

- thefemslashjob - for all Leverage femslash, also located on Dreamwidth @

{Los Hombres de Paco}
- Part 3 of since we've been together by kiarcheo - Pepa/Silvia

- Behind the Curtain by f3iv3lin3 - Kate/Juliet
- When Kate played nurse in the jungle (because ER is just like real life) by seriously_em - Kate/Juliet

- Sweet Dreams by vicky_v - Gwen/Morgana

- Pull Me in Tighter by sexonastick - Lindsey Jacobellis/Hannah Teter (Olympics snowboarding)
- Ya soshla s uma (I've lost my mind) by nonskid - VickyT Asher/Ashlee Simpson
- Chapter 12 & Chapter 13 of Break Downs and Build Ups by erickson_stella - Selena Gomez/Kristen Stewart

- Part 1 of Just Like We (Breakdown) by doesnt_go_away - Katie/Effy, Emily/Naomi
- I Don't Believe You fanvid by onlyjustwhisper - Emily/Naomi

- now i will unsettle the ground beneath you by scintilla10 - Ruby/Jo

jossverse: angel (series), criminal minds, law & order: svu, lost, skins, glee, supernatural, los hombres de paco, leverage, rpfs: misc actors, grey's anatomy, babysitters club, devil wears prada, merlin, jossverse: buffy (series), rpfs: sports, hollows(the), rpfs: music, good wife(the), guiding light

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