The Little Things

Feb 20, 2010 11:01

Title: The Little Things
Author: musicbendr
Summary: It's Always the Little Things
Pairing: Rachel/Quinn
Rating: G
Length: 970
Author's Note: Fluff. I had to. It wouldn't leave me alone.

It's always the little things.

Quinn finds it adorable that Rachel will be walking around the house all day in a sweatshirt because it's January and her fathers' don't want to run up the heating bill, but she'll take it off right before jumping in bed so that the fluffy fleece comforter will keep her warm.

Rachel has started to make Quinn's favorite pasta primavera only with red peppers instead of the red, yellow, and green mixture she mixed for years because though the blonde tried to pretend that she loved it, Rachel always discovered a lump of green and yellow peppers in the trash can.

Quinn used to be a coffee person, but since she learned that it can hurt the baby, she's switched over to hot chocolate or tea depending on her mood and the season. Rachel knows that Quinn used to be a coffee person because her bus would always pass Quinn's car at Starbucks on the way to school, and she's proud of Quinn for beating the bean.

Rachel always always always stirs soup three times counterclockwise, four times clockwise, and then blows on it twice before she'll eat it. When Rachel comes down with a nasty bug that basically renders her incapable of doing anything but snotting and sneezing, Quinn makes sure that she stirs the soup three times counterclockwise, four times clockwise, and then blows on it twice before feeding it to her shivering, appreciative girlfriend.

Quinn prays at the windowsill every night, mumbling things under her breath that a certain brunette singer is not privy to. Rachel doesn't mind, though, because every time Quinn finishes praying she blows a kiss to the moon and whispers, “I love You, too.” It's probably not meant for ears attached to anyone less than the Creator Himself, but Rachel takes strength from the strength that Quinn earns from God.

Rachel folds her socks and her underwear and her clothes are organized by color, pattern, and season. She's completely neurotic about her argyle in a way Quinn doesn't think is natural, but that doesn't make her enjoy watching Rachel scamper about in search of a rogue sock any less.

It's always the little things.

Quinn nearly tears Rachel's dark brown hair right from its roots when she finds out that her girlfriend and “Noah” have been rehearsing songs together. It doesn't matter to her that they're only practicing for Passover service at the synagogue because she's still Quinn Fabray and nobody messes with her significant others. She rips Noah Puckerman a new one in the middle of the school hallway, and then Rachel proceeds to rip her a new one at home. They argue about Quinn being too controlling and go without speaking other than when it's absolutely necessary for a week.

Rachel forces Quinn to be a neat freak and when Quinn, completely exhausted from Glee and pregnancy, tosses her jacket onto the floor of their bedroom while she takes a nap, Rachel just about has a conniption. Quinn retorts that it's just one jacket that she planned on picking up later. Unfortunately, she creates a monster and Rachel begins to leave all of her dirty clothes on the floor because after all “it's just one” that turns into two and then three and then more. Their room starts to smell, both girls too stubborn to acknowledge that the other may have a partially valid opinion. It comes to the point where Rachel's dads order them to spend Saturday cleaning up. After that, Quinn tries to make sure her jacket ends up in a closet and Rachel tries not to scream in horror every time something ends up on the floor.

Quinn has this horrible habit of touching the toothpaste tube to her toothbrush - there's actual physical contact between the tube that she and Rachel share and her toothbrush. It doesn't matter that Rachel's been kissing Quinn for months now and that she can't actually get anymore germs from the toothpaste. Rachel insists that toothpaste tube-toothbrush contact is disgusting and weird, which causes Quinn and her pregnancy hormones to explode and take to sleeping on the couch (which doesn't really make sense because Quinn sleeps in the guest room anyway, but it's the principle of the thing and Rachel just loves her principles). Finally, after a week of watching late night infomercials and waking up with a sore back, Quinn buys her own toothpaste.

Rachel sings all the time. All the time. It's usually pleasant because Rachel has quite the set of pipes and she learned some of Quinn's favorites. However, whenever she's PMS-ing, she only ever sings “It Sucks to Be Me” from Avenue Q. And while that is quite an amusing song, Quinn can only hear about failed comedians and creepy puppets who can't get dates so many times. So when Quinn snaps and tells Rachel to shut up, they fight. Really fight. It starts out over Rachel's song choice and then escalates into Quinn's occasional bitchiness and Rachel's inability to know when to shut her mouth and Quinn's need to put someone down to feel better and then everything else they could possibly fight about. When it's over, Rachel holds up a sheet of paper with the lists of all the complaints they've made against each other and promises to work on her stuff if Quinn will, too. (They do, and eventually they learn to change the things they can and accept the things they can't)

It's always the little things that make or break a relationship. They start off as brush offs, things that don't matter at all. But there are so many of them that they just build and build and build until they reach a crescendo and they turn into one big thing.

“I love you.”


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