Title: Stay Author: dexstarr Prompt: Challenge #260: Remainder, Challenge #258: After Fandom: Harry Potter Pairing: Bellatrix Lestrange/Pansy Parkinson Rating: R Word Count: 200 Summary: Bellatrix never lets Pansy stay.
Title: Right Discovery at the Wrong Time Prompt: 257 - before Fandom: Lost Girl Pairing: Bo/Lauren Rating: PG Word count: 100 A/N: 1.8 spoilers? Second person Summary: Lauren has forgotten what freedom is. ( Read more... )
Title: After a Fashion Fandom: RPF Characters/Pairing: Emily Deschanel/Zooey Deschanel Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 150 Prompt: #258 - after Summary: Her dress is green.
Title: Conditions Fandom: RPF Pairing: Kristen Stewart/Joan Jett' Prompt: 258 - After Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 144 Summary: She knew nothing. Notes: Implications of a one night stand. No idea where it came from.
Titile: Left Behind Author: cyandragonfly Prompt: femslash100 challenge #258 - After Fandom: Lost Girl Pairing: Bo/Lauren Rating: G Word count: 200 Spoilers: 1x08 Vexed
Title: Different now Author: gt22 Fandom: Nurse Jackie Characters/Pairing: Zoey/O'Hara Rating: PG-13 Spoilers: None Prompt: After #258 Word count: 128 Summary: After one night everything has changed A/N Still working on my phone so mistakes are to be expected
Title: Do Not Ask Me to Remain the Same Fandom: RPF Characters/Pairing: Angelina Jolie/Winona Ryder Rating: PG Word Count: 150 Prompt: #258 - after Summary: The more things change. Notes: Second person.