Challenge 50: 47, 48, 49

Jan 04, 2006 23:52

Challenge #47 Envy
Fandom: Battlestar Galactica/Stargate: SG-1
Pairing: Kara Thrace/Sam Carter
Rating: 13+
Word count: 100
A/N: Angst ahoy. sigh.

Something wakes Sam where she lays next to Kara, one arm loosely draped over her waist. The adrenaline pumping through her veins makes her wonder if there was an alarm.

No one else is sitting in the dark, waiting for the axe to fall.

Her breath slows.

Kara sighs. "Lee."

It's all Sam can do not to jump up and run, not to flee the bed. She moves, reaching to touch Kara's face in the dark, tracing her cheek. "He can't have you." Her grip on Kara tightens, her head settles on Kara's shoulder; she can hear her heartbeat.


Challenge #48 Sloth
Fandom: Battlestar Galactica/Stargate: SG-1
Pairing: Kara Thrace/Sam Carter
Rating: 13+
Word count: 200
A/N: I know, this is an odd pairing, but I can't help it. It's hot.

Kara's tired and sweaty from CAP, but she's Starbuck, and the smile remains cocky even though all she wants to do is curl up in a corner and sleep for a week.

The tension is different, now. They're all used to being pressed, being stressed. It's not being awake to fly a frakking bird every 33 minutes. It's being awake too much and sleeping too little, and knowing your lover could be dead when you get up in the morning.

She doesn't mind Sam's careless sprawl in her rack, has come to expect it.

After a moment of appreciating the view, Kara prods Sam's hip, "Move, lazy."

"Frak you, Starbuck."

The idea appeals, but the body is lacking in will. "Maybe later. Move over." She doesn't wait to see if Sam obeys the request, she just starts pulling off her flight suit. Maybe later, when the CAG comes looking for his missing pilot, she'll regret it.

Sam grumbles, but complies, still half-asleep.

Climbing in, Kara is grateful to the body that wraps itself around her. Sam is warm and smells like apples. She kisses her neck and buries her nose in the crook.

It's easy to fall asleep after that.

Challenge #49 Greed
Fandom: Battlestar Galactica/Stargate: SG-1
Pairing: Kara Thrace/Sam Carter
Rating: 18+
Word count: 100
A/N: And now for the smut....


Kara never actually has to say it, but Sam knows she's thinking it when her mouth is moving at Sam's neck, her tongue sliding a precise trail down to one breast.

A whimper escapes Sam, and she arches just a little.

"Mmm. Greedy," Kara whispers, then her mouth closes on Sam's nipple, leaving little time for conversation.

Sam gasps, one hand sliding into Kara's hair, holding her head close. More, she thinks. More sensation, more need, more of *this*. There are days she can't get enough of the feel of Kara Thrace against her like this.

It's never enough.

challenge48, crossover, author: lyssie, challenge50, fandom: battlestar galactica, fandom: stargate sg-1, challenge49, challenge47

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