Working Title: Always Going Her Way
Author: Pirate Turner
Fandom: Golden Girls
Pairing: Blanche/Dorothy
Rating: G
Challenge: #342: Always
Date Written: 21 October, 2012
Word Count: 250
Disclaimer: All characters within belong to their rightful owners, not the author.
Blanche watched as Dorothy slid up to her. She was tired of her car being in the shop and having to wait for her lover to get off and come get her, but her reliance on Dorothy for a ride was coming in handy today. They had fussed last night, and their argument hadn't left Blanche's mind all day. She was about to put an end to all that, however, as Dorothy asked her as she did every day, "Going my way, beautiful?"
it was an old line that Blanche had shot down a million times in the past, but not today. She made Dorothy and every man present and watching her curves swallow their tongues as she sashayed to the curb and nearly purred, "Always."
Then she slipped into Dorothy's old car and kissed her lover square on the lips before God, envious mankind, and all the world. She pulled back afterwards, smiling her satisfaction at Dorothy's shocked expression and looking like the cat who'd just swallowed the last bit of milk in the house. Her dainty, little school teacher would never accuse her again of not wanting to be seen with her!
"Home," she commanded, breathlessly, afterwards.
"I can think of many other places I'd rather take you." Dorothy's eyes were glazed over from Blanche's passionate kiss, but as she started to lean back over to her, Blanche pulled away and wagged a finger.
"Uh uh, shugah. Home first; then, we'll do everything else." Dorothy hit the gas.
The End