Low Red Moon, Stargate: SG-1 (Sam/Vala), 304 'curve', R

Mar 09, 2012 17:30

Title: Low Red Moon
Fandom: Stargate: SG-1
Pairing: Sam Carter/Vala Mal Doran
Rating: R, sex, language
Length: 250 words
Prompt: #304 - Curve
Spoilers: none.
Notes: Oops. Smut.

With care, Vala nuzzles along the curve of Sam's neck. There are tiny little spots that her lips find, which make Sam shift or gasp; one such spot leads to Sam's fingernails digging into Vala's scalp, and she smiles a little before concentrating on the spot. Sucking hard, gentling the skin, then sucking again until there's a mark left there. She blows against the damp skin and then tilts her head to admire her handiwork.

"Mine," she whispers, brushing her finger-tip across the bruise. For a moment, she entertains the rather fanciful idea that Samantha Carter is hers forevermore. The sort of eternity that she doesn't believe in.

Sam narrows her eyes, her fingernails tickling down the side of Vala's arm, digging in ever so slightly. Strong fingers circle Vala's wrist before Sam coils and moves, rolling them until Vala is pinned on her back, arms over her head, legs spread for Sam to rest between them.

Pushing up against Sam produces the desired result. Sam's mouth burns a path down Vala's belly until her tongue and lips are playing between Vala's thighs and cunt.

First hard and then soft, murmurs of words that are rough and earthy lost in the sound of Vala's moans and greedy little noises.

Eventually, Vala is too mindless to think of forevers, and the throb of bruises left by Sam's mouth only register in the after-glow. Sam never says possessive things aloud, but she likes to mark Vala privately.

Vala doesn't mind.

challenge304, author: lyssie, challenge310, fandom: stargate sg-1

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