#40, playing catch up (3)

Oct 28, 2005 18:49

Generic Author Note: I joined up at challenge #34, so I've gone back and written for all the ones I missed. There's a mix of She Spies, CSI, Charmed, Hex and Harry Potter in these posts & I have one more post to do with drabbles for challenges #33 & #39. These posts have #1-#32, excluding #30, which I couldn't find! All 250 words. Watch out for the mild incest in the Charmed drabbles, and spoilers for the current season in anything Hex. Sorry for the multi-post spam!

Title: Stiletto Heels.
Fandom: CSI.
Pairing: Catherine/Sara.
W/Count: 250.
Challenge: #16, shoes.

"Ouch," Sara says as she enters the lab and sees Catherine. "That's wickedly sharp."

"Yep," Catherine smiles over at her, holding the shoe up so Sara can fully appreciate it. "A true stiletto heel, and this one killed someone." She lowers the shoe back to the table, reaching for a brush to fingerprint it.

"It's scary how much damage those things can do," Sara says, "And not just to the tendons of the woman wearing them."

"Women have been suffering to look good for centuries," Catherine reminds her, and Sara supposes Catherine would have done it herself. "What's really scary is that I think I have these at home." She considers the shoe carefully and then pulls a face. "I'm going to end up remembering this case every time I wear them."

"You own a pair of these?" Sara asks, walking closer to the table to get a better look. For all her protests about fashion expectations and high heels, the mental image of Catherine in these shoes sends tingles down her spine. "Would you, um," she bites her lip, "I don't know, maybe put them on when we get home?"

Catherine smirks, glancing around to make sure no one's watching before trailing her fingers down Sara's cheek and leaning in to kiss her gently. "For you, I think I can do that."

Sara smiles at her, letting the touch linger before pulling away. "I'm holding you to that," she says.

"Good," Catherine smiles, and turns back to her work.

Title: Simple & Uncomplicated.
Fandom: CSI.
Pairing: Catherine/Sara.
W/Count: 250.
Challenge: #17, cars.

Sara hates pile-up's. She always has but never more than this moment, as she's crawling around the wreckages that are left, searching for anything that might indicate foul play. Some of the cars still feel warm to the touch, although the fire-brigade has long since taken care of any fire danger, so she might be imagining things, and the area smells strongly of blood and charred human flesh.

Grissom's questioning witnesses and survivors before the ambulances rush them away, sirens squealing, and the rest of her team mates are scattered around her, each with their own assigned area to search. Catherine's blonde hair catches her eye, shimmering when the light hits it, and she stops what she's doing to watch her instead.

Catherine's focused, her eyes sweeping the scene, searching for anything that might indicate what happened here. Sara now knows what it's like to be the focus of that intense gaze and just thinking about it makes her body tingle in remembrance. Catherine looks up and catches her watching, amusement in her eyes as though she knows what Sara's thinking, and Sara blushes, looking away.

They've slept together seven times so far and she's still no closer to knowing what her relationship, if it can be called that, with Catherine means. She doesn't know if she's ready to know what it means, or if she even wants it to mean anything at all. Right now it's simple and uncomplicated, which makes a nice change, and that's enough for her.

Title: Comforting.
Fandom: Hex.
Pairing: Thelma/Ella.
W/Count: 250.
Challenge: #19, cold.

You can't sleep because the room feels damp and unwelcoming, and you're cold, chilled to the bone, shivering even though the heating is on. You can feel the warmth against the surface of your skin, very faintly, but it doesn't touch the coldness that's inside you.

The door creaks and you sit up, throwing off the covers, instantly alert. You only relax when Thelma's familiar face peers around the edge and, when she sees that you're awake, she comes in, closing the door behind her. She runs to the bed, throwing herself down next to you, looking up at you with a grin.

"What are you doing?" you ask, lifting an eyebrow.

"I'm bored!" she says, rolling onto her back to stare at the ceiling. "Everyone's asleep and there aren't exactly that many ghosts for me to talk to."

"There must be one or two," you tell her. "I should be asleep too, Thelma, I have classes in the morning and a demon child to worry about."

"I have to worry about him as well, you know," she reminds you, looking over to meet your eyes. "Can't I just keep you company until you go to sleep? Then I'll go haunt the halls or something."

It would be nice to have someone there, you think wistfully. Having someone else with you comforts you and makes the room seem warmer.

"Okay," you nod and lie back down, settling your head on the pillow and meeting her eyes at close range. "Stay."

Title: Jealousy Rises.
Fandom: She Spies.
Pairing(s): Cassie/DD, DD/Shane.
W/Count: 250.
Challenge: #20, conflict.

You feel jealousy rise whenever you see them together and it takes a certain amount of effort to keep it from showing; a lifetime of lies and cons coming to the rescue, letting you school your face into a mask that reveals nothing. You blame yourself for it getting to this point because if you hadn't always been off working with Cross, DD and Shane wouldn't have been left alone together so often, and this wouldn't have happened.

You've wanted DD for so long and the only thing that kept you silent was the fact that you didn't think she dated women, but now she's dating Shane and you hate it, want to pull them apart and keep them away from each other. DD should be yours, you love her, and for a while you thought you had a chance.

You want to be happy for them but you're conflicted; you want her to be with you but, when you see how happy she and Shane seem, you want that for her as well. You want to pull her to one side and ask her why she picked Shane, why she didn't want you, but you're sort of afraid to know the answer.

They don't exclude you in any way and the three of you still hang out like you always have but, when you go to bed at night and leave them alone downstairs, you'll see Shane lean in and kiss her, and the sight tears you apart inside.

Title: In The Middle Of The Night.
Fandom: She Spies.
Pairing(s): Cassie/DD, DD/Shane.
W/Count: 250.
Challenge: #21, night.

Cassie comes downstairs in the middle of the night and sees them asleep together, wrapped up in blankets on the floor. It's an odd habit they've gotten into lately, staying up and talking until they're exhausted, then sleeping here because going upstairs takes too much energy. She's seen them asleep together several times; in the mornings when she wakes up earlier than they do, and on other nights, like tonight, when she comes downstairs for a drink.

It's cold tonight and they're huddled close together for warmth, DD's head resting against Shane's shoulder and the blankets pulled up high. It looks comfortable, almost cosy, and Cassie feels a stab of jealousy as she wishes she and Shane could trade places. She and DD have always been the closest, but these days it seems to be DD and Shane who spend the most time together and that hurts. She misses DD's company and her feelings haven't faded at all.

In the middle of the night it's easy to admit to herself that she loves DD, but in the daylight, when she's faced with DD's soft, inquisitive eyes and gentle smile, she freezes; can't do it. She doesn't know what her problem is, she knows that DD won't hurt her or use it against her, but the words refuse to pass her lips.

Instead she keeps her secrets quiet, too afraid to take the risk, hurting inside as DD and Shane grow closer, watching as DD drifts further out of her reach.

Title: Content.
Fandom: She Spies.
Pairing: Cassie/DD.
W/Count: 250.
Challenge: #22, kisses.

"Hi," Cassie murmurs as she sneaks up behind you, sliding her arms around your waist and pulling you back into the comforting warmth of her body.

You smile as you let your head fall back against her shoulder. "Hey," you whisper softly, your eyes still focused on the restless sea. The rhythmic swoosh of the waves is as calming to you as her presence, and you think you could stay in this moment forever and be content.

"Sorry it took me so long to get home," she says softly, kissing your cheek. "Cross kept me late to file paperwork. In triplicate!"

"He's a mean man," you agree mock-solemnly, turning to face her and sliding your arms around her neck. You've hardly seen her today and you've missed her; as much as you like Shane's company, it doesn't compare to Cassie's.

"Very," she smiles, brushing a gentle kiss across your lips. "But enough about Cross… Shane out for the night?"

"Yep, second date with Rick."

"Mm, just you and me then." She hugs you tight and glances over your shoulder at the sea. Both of you love living by the beach, it's the reason you chose this house.

She kisses you again, properly this time, and you lose yourself in her and the two of you, knowing that for once there's nothing else demanding your attention.

"Want to sit out on the beach for a while?" she asks when you finally pull apart.

"Sounds good," you agree, and kiss her again.

challenge19, challenge22, challenge40, challenge20, challenge17, challenge16, challenge21

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