Academia, Fandom: Scrubs, Prompt: Philisophy, Stastics

Apr 20, 2011 20:02

Title: Her Sympathy
Academia Prompt: Philosophy
Fandom: Scrubs
Pairing: Elliot/Jordan
Rating: PG
Word Count: 248
Elliot sits, deflated, on her couch. In front of her stretches the mother of all casts. Unfortunately, Elliot hasn’t been keeping up with her yoga, so can’t scratch the non-encased toes peeking from the other end.

(so frickin’ itchy)

She considers calling JD. After all, he was the one who didn’t warn her about Billy, their new tackling, Alzheimer’s patient. However, before Elliot can resort to emotional blackmail, the front door clicks open.

Jordan waltzes in - she probably mugged JD for his key - and throws something at Elliot’s chest,

“I thought you’d need entertainment,”

Elliot turns the object over. One of Jenny’s (used) coloring books.

Jordan is in the fridge, helping herself to a beer. She doesn’t offer Elliot one,
“So Stick, you finally tripped over your own incompetence?”

“Cute. Before the belittling begins can you do me a favor and scratch right here,”

Elliot wiggles her big toe and Jordan looks at her as though she’s just asked for a $20,000 wedding.

“Jordan!” Elliot screeches (it’s been a bad day).

“Fine,” Jordan sighs and carefully props Elliot’s leg on one knee, digging her nails into the exposed flesh.

Elliot beams. Mostly, it’s through relief…a little is because Jordan has just shown (an admittedly small) capacity to be sympathetic like a normal human being.

“See, I knew you could do one nice thing a day,”

“Oh sweetie,”

Jordan pouts in a condescending, ‘poor misguided fool,’ way, then shoots Elliot the kind of look that demands maximum flexibility (in 6-8 weeks),

“Nobody does anything nice without wanting something in return.”

Title: Their Addition
Academia Prompt: Statistics
Fandom: Scrubs
Pairing: Jordan/Denise/Cox
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 250

The whole thing started years ago.

Perry had been ranting about DJ and Stick’s latest lesbian drama and Jordan dangled her own Sapphic stories just to get him to shut up. From then on, Perry has made a habit of leaving his, ’gentleman’s entertainment,’ where she can find it. That Jordan occasionally uses them to get off…even letting him watch on birthdays, Christmas and any other time she has forgotten to buy a gift… probably doesn’t send a, ‘stop before I destroy you,’ message.

Still, she’d never expected him to actually suggest a threesome. Perry likes fighting and fucking. He doesn’t love any scenario which will threaten his teetering masculinity.

Hence why she is on the prowl for girls, not guys.

Jordan doesn’t want to give Perry any satisfaction, so has pretended his request is a massive inconvenience. However…surprise, surprise…the opportunity to secretly judge the sexual prowess of each Sacred Heart employee (for maximum psychological funsies, she wants someone they both know) is kinda working for her.

She’s already discarded a handful of possibilities, (Elliot - too neurotic, Carla - too bossy, Nurse Tisdale - too slaggy), when that new, butch intern stomps out a nearby supply room. The girl is straightening her scrubs top and punches Mr B.O from the cafeteria before letting him go.

Jordan quirks an eyebrow. Mahoney is mouthy enough to make things interesting, but has the  insecurity (fatties in a hospital closet, really?) required to fulfill Jordan’s pathological need to torment.

Plus, they will look fantastic together.

Perry will be furious when he realizes Jordan is only going to let him watch.

fandom: scrubs, drabble cycle: academia, author: slagsmacker

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