268 - Save, Correspondence, Toshiko/Martha

Apr 15, 2011 23:10

Title: Correspondence
Prompt: 268 - 'save'
Fandom: Torchwod/Doctor Who
Pairing: Toshiko Sato/Martha Jones
Rating: PG (more for implied lechery than anything else)
Word count: 250, barely
A/N: This is actually pretty gen? idk.
Summary: Tosh almost gets caught reading salacious emails from her girlfriend.

--licked my way along--

"Tosh, love--" bound papers landed on Tosh's desk, startling her, though she buried the window she'd been reading as Gwen continued, "--Jack says this needs to be scanned and filed with UNIT."

Glancing at the report, Tosh told herself that reading salacious emails from her girlfriend while at work was asking for trouble. She could already feel the reply she wanted to send, though she wouldn't mention that aloud. "He has access to the scanner," Tosh pointed out to Gwen.

"You know Ianto banned him from it after the tea incident." Gwen replied, tossing a grimace Tosh's way.

Ah, yes. Tosh made a face in return and then gave a sigh. "We need a secretary."

"They tried that, once--" Owen was bored if he was horning in on the conversation, "--idiot got eaten by Weevils."

"You scan it, then," Tosh shoved the report his way and returned to her keyboard, email window in the forefront again, "I have my own reports to finish."

--along your inner thigh, one hand brushing under your leg--

Tosh sucked in a breath and then hit save, putting the encrypted file onto a jump drive. It would be nice to have reading material before bed.

Nearby, Owen argued with Gwen, but she ignored them, used to blocking out exterior interruptions.

Her own reply wouldn't take long. Tosh hoped the UNIT email server wasn't playing up. Martha deserved an answer, even if she liked being kept waiting for the climax.

fandom: torchwood, challenge268, fandom: doctor who

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