Challenge 160: Remainder - Revisit of Challenge 151: Ancient

Nov 26, 2010 18:10

Title: Passing Through
Author: cmk418
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Pairing: Anya/Dawn
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 100
Summary: Anya knows the truth about Dawn.

Appearances can be so deceiving, Anya tells herself as her lips claim the girl’s.

Girl? She’s no girl.

The ancient energy travels through Dawn as she trembles in Anya’s arms.

A familiar memory of passing through a dimensional portal. An opening, giving way, and then sweet blissful entrance to the place Anya belongs.

Fingers coated with the girl’s juices, she now knows the truth.

No matter what the others think, no matter what tricks her human memory plays on her, no matter what society says is right or wrong.

Dawn is not a girl and Anya is merely passing through.

challenge251, challenge260, fandom: buffy the vampire slayer, author: cmk418

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