Challenge #260 ~ Remainder Week

Nov 26, 2010 21:06

Challenge #259 is now officially over. A big round of applause for this week's participants, ana_khouri★, calebar77★, cmk418★, lyssie★, and olivia_j★!

This week is our remainder week. That means you can write about any past challenge we've had, although there is an emphasis on the last nine, which are :

#251 ~ Ancient
#252 ~ Restless
#253 ~ Transparent
#254 ~ Conclusion
#255 ~ Outsider
#256 ~ Middle
#257 ~ Before
#258 ~ After
#259 ~ Test

Also, don't forget our Academia Drabble Cycle is up and running! Sign-ups are still ongoing and you've got plenty of time to work on your claim.

Standard comm rules apply to the weekly challenge - 100 words (or no more than 250), any f/f pairing, any fandom. Due by midnight of next Wednesday (see the userinfo for complete rules). Also, for this challenge please remember to tag your entries 'challenge260' as well as 'author: yourname', 'fandom: yourfandom', the number of the original challenge and, if applicable, 'crossover'. Thank you!

challenge260, challenges

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