X-posted Drabble Prompt; So.Ra.No.Wo.To - Kazumiya Rio/Phylicia Heideman "Sunbathing"

Jan 17, 2010 08:45

Title: Sunbathing
Author: fire_senshi
Prompt: Challenge 222: Sunshine for femslash100.
Fandom: So.Ra.No.Wo.To (Sounds of the Skies).
Pairing: Kazumiya Rio/Phylicia Heideman.
Rating: PG.
Word Count: 200. [per OpenOffice]
Notes: Turned out longer since I felt like I needed it. >:| I was simply inspired by the point in episode two where Phylicia comments about their first meeting. Obviously one of them must have had misgivings about it, and I think it's probably safe to assume it was Rio. This prompt did the rest. XD This'll be total AU by the time the series is finished, I'm certain.

Rio was simply aghast.

"Sgt. Major Kazumiya Rio, reporting, ma'am."

The blonde woman before her cracked her eyes to the sunlight to try and peer up at her, and Rio thought for a moment to move to block it, but she was saluting, after all. After a moment, the other woman reached for her glasses, neatly sitting on the table beside her, and placed them on her nose. She then sat sideways on her long lawnchair (no doubt pilfered from some expensive antique shop, Rio thought) to get a better look.

And smiled.

"Phylicia Heideman," the blonde almost had a purring quality of voice, and it threw Rio into an instantly bad mood. That and the lack of reverence.

Rio knew from the dossier that she was a Second Lieutenant, and would be who she reported to as a member of this new platoon, but the fact that she was also going to be the only foreign one had already rubbed against her senses. Now to top it off, she was obviously disrespectful.

"No rank applies with me," the blonde continued, "and call me Phylicia." There was a twinkle in her eyes, and Rio swore it wasn't from the sun.

challenge222, author: wolfie, fandom: so.ra.no.wo.to

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