Title - Wires
Author - Bat
Fandom - Heroes
Pairing - Claire/Monica
Prompt(s) - #198 - Pretend / #195 - Hypnotic
Rating - PG
Word count - 200
Summary - Monica shows off her latest moves to Claire.
Monica had told her to watch what she had learned from that action movie they had watched last night, but Claire hadn't expected this. The moves were so fluid and so... hypnotic. She moved from post to post, seemingly fearless of the seven feet that separated each eight foot high post. Claire kept half-expecting to see the wire that was keeping the younger girl from falling. But there were no wires, she knew that.
"So?" Monica asked as she slid down the wooden post without effort.
"I like pretending I'm one of those characters from those old bad kung-fu movies when I jump like that."
Claire chuckled as she pressed her lips softly to Monica's cheek. "That's silly. If you were one of those characters, I would have seen the wires."
Dark hands rested themselves on Claire's hips, while a smirk played with the younger girl's lips.
"I don't need wires to do my moves, you best remember that. Same way I only need my fingers..." Said digits trailed Claire's skin softly, making her shudder. "To make you cry out all those colorful words you seem to like to use in bed."
Monica laughed as the blonde blushed brightly.