Right Kind of Wrong

Feb 24, 2009 22:01

Title: Right Kind of Wrong
Author: sparklebunny
Pairing: Olivia/Natalia
Prompt: #180 - Remainder, #85 - Truth
Rating: G
Fandom: Guiding Light
Wordcount: 145

"Perception is reality"

Natalia's words rang over and over in Olivia's head and she wondered why Natalia cared so much what other people thought of her... of them? So people were gossiping about them, about their living arrangment, questioning their relationship, jumping to the conclusion they were lovers. So what? Would it really damage reputations if people thought they were lesbians? Olivia thought it would actually be fun to play on it a little if only Natalia were like-minded instead of being so serious and making this into an issue bigger than it was. Maybe Natalia was freaking out because of their impromptu kiss earlier? To be honest Olivia was kind of freaking out herself, just remembering kissing Natalia was making her stomach flutter and brought with it feelings of confusion and excitement.

Truth be told if perception turned in to reality Olivia wouldn't mind one bit.

fandom: guiding light, challenge180, challenge85, author: sparklebunny

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