Ponderings and Self-Discovery

Feb 24, 2009 20:39

Title: Ponderings and Self-Discovery
Author: sparklebunny
Pairing: Olivia/Natalia
Prompt: #180 - Remainder, #83 - Weakness, #1 - Awakening
Rating: PG-13
Fandom: Guiding Light
Wordcount: 180 + 250



It was never something Olivia had thought about too much. Olivia prided herself in being strong and outspoken, seizing the moment regardless of the outcome. Vulnerability meant weakness and Olivia never showed her weakness to anyone, until now. Natalia, though, wasn't just anyone. Natalia had that calm persona that made all of Olivia's walls come crashing down. Olivia trusted this woman with her life. Trusted this woman with her heart. Heh. Her heart. It wasn't really her heart, in actuality it was Gus' and if it wasn't for Natalia being the inanely good and unselfish person she was, Olivia wouldn't be alive right now.

Olivia had to wonder, was all this change in her because of the heart or had she truly transformed into a different person? Olivia wanted to believe in the latter, she had no doubts whatsoever that Natalia's good influence also played a major part. Why now had vulnerability become such a complication? What were these feelings she was suddenly overwheamled by? Was this friendship? Love? Why did life have to be one giant mind-fuck?


Olivia had let Natalia into her family, into her life, albeit not willingly at first. She opened up about her fears, displayed all her irrationalities once hidden deep. Exposed her soul. Then they had kissed. It wasn't romantic, it was point driven, but somehow to Olivia it was like a switch had been flicked on somewhere and the woman infront of her was more than the woman from the day before. It was hard to explain and all a little too much for her to wrap her head around at the moment, the mixed signals Natalia (most likely unwittingly), was sending didn't really help the matter.

Olivia found herself struggling to deal with her emotions. A little brush on her arm as Natalia walked past. A comforting hand on her own. A hug, now seemed to all have a different meaning to her. Who would have known that Emma's class project about having two mommies would have led to where things were now? Although she questioned where exactly they were anyway. Was there a "them"? Oh God! Why did she have to over-analyse things!

Maybe it was fate? Every choice she made, every choice Natalia made for her, every trial along the way. Maybe they were all meant to lead to where they were now, or where they might be somewhere down the line? Who knew for certain? All Olivia could do right now was ride the wave out to wherever it took her, as scary a thought as that was.

fandom: guiding light, challenge180, challenge83, challenge1, author: sparklebunny

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