Challenge #146: Party

Apr 28, 2008 08:56

This fic is rated: G
Fandom: Star Wars
Characters/Pairing: Leia Organa/Mara Jade
Timeline: before ANH
Summary: a chance meeting at a party
for prompt #146: Party
Word Count: 100
Feedback: yes, please! Concrit welcomed.
Distribution: archiving, linking or remixing ok, just credit me and drop me a line!
Author's Note: There's no real reason why this couldn't have happened ... but it's got a slightly AU feel to it.
Cross-Posted were_lemur, skywalker_days,
My FanFic Masterlist
Disclaimer: George Lucas owns Star Wars. I own a 22-year-old pickup truck. I hope that Mr. Lucas will accept this story as the tribute to his genius it is, and not sue me for what little I have. No infringement is intended, no profit is being made.

Another day, another party ... another name and cover story. Mara Jade slips easily through the crowd on Alderaan -- as easily as if I wasn't even here.

She pushes the thought away. She serves the Empire. The Empire matters. Therefore she matters.

For a moment, the crowd parts, and there is no one to between her and the princess. Leia Organa is radiant in white, standing regal and proud at her father's side. Mara feels her breath catch.

For a heartbeat, she is consumed with longing -- and something more. In that moment she knows -- the princess matters.

challenge146, fandom: star wars, author: were_lemur

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