Title: Flying Free
Author: Veleda (
Prompt: Challenge #130 - Remainder (Cage)
Fandom: X
Pairing: Saya/Touru
Rating: G
Word count: 100
For Saya, who knew the future, life had always been a cage. She knew how she would live, how she would love, and how she would die.
She loathed her knowledge, the truths that dogged her dreams. She dreaded meeting the dark haired girl she knew she would die for. She was young; she didn't want to die.
Then she saw Touru in the waking world for the first time, and finally she not only knew, but understood. Life was in Touru's smile, her laughter, her heart. Touru opened the door to Saya's cage.
When Saya met Touru, she finally flew free.