Therapy -- #122

Sep 22, 2007 16:25

Title :: Lever
Prompt :: #122 - therapy
Pairing :: Winry/Sheska
Rating :: PG
Wordcount :: 100
Summary :: Winry Rockbell lived to fix things.
( She could take anything apart and put it back together better than it was before)

Title :: Touch
Prompt :: #122 - therapy
Fandom :: Bleach
Pairing :: Tatsuki/Orihime
Rating :: PG
Wordcount :: 100
Summary :: Orihime never seemed to find anything wrong with physical displays of affection.
( Which was why Tatsuki always had to beat Chizuru up for her; Orihime would never think to do it herself.)

Title :: Freedom
Prompt :: #122 - therapy
Fandom :: Twilight
Pairing :: Implied Alice/Bella, but can be taken as gen
Rating :: PG
Wordcount :: 100
Summary :: She waited patiently, there in the dark.
[Pre-series; spoilers for Alice’s human life.]
( For the most part…)

Title :: Insanity
Prompt :: #122 - therapy
Fandom :: Good Omens
Pairing :: War/Pepper
Rating :: PG-13
Wordcount :: 100
Summary :: And this, Pepper mused, was precisely why she refused to go to therapy, no matter how fucked in the head she was.
( If she’d already survived an almost-Armageddon...)

Title :: Inkblots
Prompt :: #122 - therapy
Fandom :: Good Omens
Pairing :: War/Pepper
Rating :: PG-13
Wordcount :: 100
Summary :: Their bed was becoming a study in psychoanalysis.
( With emphasis on the psycho.)

fandom: fullmetal alchemist, fandom: bleach, challenge122, fandom: good omens, author: vicious_lullaby, fandom: twilight

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