Challenge 122

Sep 20, 2007 17:13

Title: She Hopes There's A Medicine For What She's Got
Fandom: Law & Order: SVU
Pairing: Casey/Olivia
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 250
Prompt: #122 - therapy
A/N: Casey is self-diagnosing herself with an extreme case of uncontrollable lust, and her subconscious isn't helping matters.

Casey was all for therapy. She’d even considered psychology as her minor in college before law school loomed on the horizon and something a little less abstract and something a little more down to earth was necessary. Venting and sharing your feelings with an impartial third party is healthy both emotionally and psychologically, and she knew that.

She just wasn’t sure how healthy Huang would find her if she spilled her guts about the dreams that had been haunting her for the past few weeks, all of them involving a certain dark-haired, brown-eyed, badass Detective who often made liberal use of her handcuffs and pistol (as well as quite a few other toys she’d rather not elaborate on - or even contemplate why her subconscious was so intimately familiar with them).

The redhead shivered as she remembered waking up in a sweat, sticky and hot and bothered because of the way she’d been wrapped up in strong, tanned arms, calling out the cop’s name over and over-- goosebumps rose rolled down her arms as she imagined what Olivia’s lips would feel like tasting her skin, fingers scouting ahead first to find sensitive spots for that mouth-- Shit, she thought. Casey pressed her palms to her eyes, desperately trying to banish the imagined image of Olivia naked and all muscle and soft skin sliding on top of her, coaxing whimpers and moans from Casey’s mouth with just a touch across her chest, down her belly…

Oh, yeah. Casey definitely needed therapy.

fandom: law & order: svu, challenge122, author: lowbatterie

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