challenge #121 x 4

Sep 12, 2007 21:40

Title: Failed Attempts at Seduction
Author: aaronlisa
Prompt: #121 - seduce
Fandom: Dark Angel
Pairing: Max/Original Cindy
Rating: FR13
Word Count: 140
A/N: A sequel to Touch which was written for challenge #117.
Summary: Max really doesn't know how to seduce someone.

Max doesn’t really know how to go about and seducing someone, especially someone that had been firmly in the friend category for so long. It’s not as if she can take what she wants from Original Cindy, not without ruining their friendship. Instead she settles for trying to clue Original Cindy in without anyone else realizing that Max is telling her friend that she wants to make out with her. Especially since Max has been unsuccessful in getting Original Cindy on her own. Sketchy seems to have become Max’s shadow and he practically follows her everywhere, to the point where she wants to beat the crap out of him so she can capture Original Cindy’s lips with her own. Instead she sighs as she stares longingly at her friend as she flirts with some that Max desperately wishes she was.


Title: Hate & Desire
Author: aaronlisa
Prompt: #121 - seduce
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Pairing: Willow/Cordelia
Rating: FR13
Word Count: 110
A/N: Set during Season Three.
Summary: What if Willow's infamous fluke hadn't been with Xander?

She still hates her, even as her hands slide underneath her sweater, and their tongues are curled around one another. Willow will never love Cordelia Chase, much less like the former queen of the school, but she will admit that she loves the taste of Cordelia, and that she loves hearing Cordelia moan as Willow pushes her up against the storeroom’s door. And she’ll always blame Cordelia for seducing her, even if she does come back for more, every time Cordelia crooks her finger at her. But at this exact moment, Willow’s far too busy seeing how many ways she can make Cordelia gasp to really hate her former nemesis.


Title: Maybe the Rain is Really to Blame
Author: aaronlisa
Prompt: #121 - seduce
Fandom: Rocky Horror Picture Show
Pairing: Magenta/Columbia
Rating: FR13
Word Count: 103
A/N: Set during the scenes when Frank-N-Furter is seducing his guests.
Summary: Magenta's bored and Columbia will do.

It’s always been so very easy for Magenta to seduce Columbia; in fact sometimes it’s just too easy. But with Frank-N-Furter amused with the two hapless, uninvited and unintended guests from the storm, there was nothing else better to do. Especially with Riff Raff off fuming about how Frank-N-Furter was failing their mission and Magenta was very bored. Bored enough to be entertained by Columbia and her artless lovemaking while she miserably failed at hiding her tears because it was Magenta kissing her curves and not Eddie. Still Magenta acts as if there’s nowhere else that she’d rather be and Columbia believes it.


Title: Maybe the Rain is Really to Blame: Take Two
Author: aaronlisa
Prompt: #121 - seduce
Fandom: Rocky Horror Picture Show
Pairing: Magenta/Janet
Rating: FR13
Word Count: 132
A/N: Set just after Frank-N-Furter has left Janet's room.
Summary: Janet wanders the castle and finds Magenta.

She finds her sitting on a chair outside one of the bedrooms smoking a cigarette with a smug smirk on her face. Part of her wants to cry and beg for redemption, while another part wants to explore this new freedom she feels. Magenta stubs out the cigarette and thankfully takes things into her own hands, because Janet doesn’t think she even knows how to start seducing the enigmatic woman. Instead she gives herself up the pleasure and lets Magenta guide her into another room. They fall onto the bed in a heap of tangled limbs, as their mouths hungrily taste one another. Janet can’t help but think that its so much better with Magenta than it was with Frank-N-Furter before her thoughts fade away as Magenta’s mouth moves down her body.


fandom: rocky horror picture show, challenge121, author: aaronlisa, fandom: buffy the vampire slayer, fandom: dark angel

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