Around the clock

Sep 10, 2007 23:50

Title: Let's Take The Afternoon Off
Fandom: Law & Order: SVU
Pairing: Casey/Olivia
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 200
A/N: X-posted.

Casey nearly jumped out of her chair as the door to her office slammed shut. She arched an eyebrow, laying down her pen.

“Something I can help you with, Detective?”

Olivia wasn’t listening; she was too busy closing all the blinds in the ADA’s office. Finally she spun, pinning the redhead with a hungry gaze. “Did you clear your afternoon schedule like I asked, Casey?”

“Yes,” the attorney responded, a slight edge of irritation in her tone, “and I cleared out my secretarial staff, too. I had to go get my own case files, so this had better be goo--”

Liv rolled her eyes at Casey’s complaints and strode across the room, shedding her coat along the way. Grabbing the ADA firmly with both hands, Olivia pulled Casey into a fierce kiss, cutting off further whining-- except for the whimper that escaped the lawyer as Liv pulled away, her hands still in place along Casey’s jaw line.

“That good enough for you, baby?” Liv purred, grinning as she saw the change cross Casey’s features. Just like that, those emeralds were smoky with lust and pale fingers grabbed a handful of those russet locks, the second, forceful kiss her only answer.

Title: In A Heartbeat
Fandom: Law & Order: SVU
Pairing: Casey/Olivia
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 400 (4x drabble)
A/N: X-posted.

Fin checked his phone when it lit up on silent, the judge mid-sentencing of yet another scumbag. Lips turning down into a scowl, he leaned forward to the SVU ADA, green eyes going wide at the whispered words. All she managed was a curt nod as the Detective rose, his lanky partner already flashing his badge at the court doors. Casey swallowed hard and struggled to keep impassive, quelling the overwhelming urge to sprint from the room and drive like a bat out of hell to Central Park. Shots fired, officers down. Four words had her heart in her throat.


Liv stalked forward, gun trained on the suspect as fleeing bystanders flit through her peripheral vision. She grit her teeth, an ironic smile lifting her lips as she realized she was putting on what an affectionate redhead liked to call her ‘determined’ face. Her fingers curled tighter, itching to pull the trigger, let the classic ‘three shots, center mass’ take down the serial rapist hiding somewhere near. More shots rang out. She had a job to do, and her mind raced almost as fast as the adrenaline and blood roaring in her veins. She had someone to go home to.


Casey rushed to the police barrier anxiously, about ten seconds from decking the beat cop keeping her out when Cragen waved her under the tape. His eyes were grave and he kept a grip on her arm. Whether it was to keep her away from the action further inside the park or to make sure she didn’t collapse when her eyes fell on the body bags, Casey didn’t know. What made her blood run cold was seeing Elliot carted into an ambulance, the apology in his eyes. Three more shots rang out, and Casey’s heart stopped dead in her chest.


Sighing, Olivia trudged back to the street, her brown eyes kept low. NYPD swarmed the area the instant she felled him and she slowly navigated the sea of cops. Her only warning was a strangled cry of her name, then she was knocked back several steps by a red-gold blur. Liv smiled and closed her eyes, wrapping her arms around Casey.

“You scared me, love.” The lawyer buried her head into that tawny neck with her ear pressed to the soft skin, listening to the solid heartbeat proving the cop was still alive and well in her arms.

“Sorry, sweetheart.”

drabble cycle: aroundtheclock, fandom: law & order: svu, author: lowbatterie

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