RPF/Buffy fusion x2

Jul 10, 2007 23:25

Title: Cleveland Sucks
Rating: PG for implied possible violence
Fandom: WNBA (professional sports)… with a light dose of Buffy.
Prompt: #113, vampire
Wordcount: 100
Pairing: K.B. Sharp/Erin Thorn
NB: Set in the 2003 season, on what would be the Liberty's last road trip to Cleveland (the Rockers folded after that season), and right on the heels of BtVS "Chosen".

"Now do you know why I hate Cleveland?" K.B. demanded of Erin.

"Thought it was just an Ohio thing!" Erin snapped in response. She turned to the dark-haired woman who had chased off their would-be attackers. "Thanks… thanks so much. Those were some freaky-looking guys- I don't wanna think about what they would have done if they'd caught us."

K.B. shuddered. "Cleveland is hell."

"You're tellin' me?" the dark-haired woman interjected. "You two lovebirds better get goin'. Don't want any more… gangs on PCP… crashin' your party."

"We're not-"

"Well, we kinda are…" Erin said, and pulled K.B. away smoothly.

Title: Becky the Vampire Slayer
Rating: PG-13 for brief violence
Prompt: #113, vampire
Wordcount: 100, somehow
Fandom: WNBA (professional sports RPS) fused with the Buffyverse
Pairing: Svetlana Abrosimova/Tamika Raymond (née Williams), Minnesota Lynx; guest spot by Becky Hammon of the San Antonio Silver Stars
NB: Set in June 2007, so four years after "Chosen"; for argument's sake, the Scoobies didn't find all the Potentials, especially ones older than the norm. No real WNBA players were harmed in the making of this drabble.

Becky knew when a scene wasn't right, a skill she'd learned young and kept honing. Abrosimova and Raymond had history, but that wasn't kissing.

Stake in hand, she approached Abrosimova and tapped her on the shoulder. "Mind if I cut in?"

Abrosimova whirled, her face inhuman, and snarled something Russian, but Becky struck true to give Minnesota serious cap room at the deadline.

Raymond gasped, and Becky was ready for the worst, but needlessly. "Barbeque fork accident," she snapped. Raymond's second gasp was disbelieving. "Fine, try explaining that you were hooking up with your vampire ex-girlfriend."

"Barbeque fork," Raymond agreed.

crossover, fandom: buffy the vampire slayer, challenge113, fandom: wnba, author: nycscribbler

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