challenge #98 ~ fortitude

Jan 02, 2007 09:47

challenge #97 is now closed. many thanks to ana_khouri ★, theshatnerstyle (x2) ★ ★, karaokegal, cherryroad (x3) ★^3, snarkylightning ★, girlie_girl_23 ★, lyssie (x2) ★ ★, and ME ★ for our entries!

happy new year, everyone! again, a huge thank you to selenay_x for wrangling alphabet soup and our NEW challenge cycle, 'round the clock; to girlie_girl_23 for doing so much behind the scenes work tagging and archiving; and to sheepfairy for running the drabbletag project! I know we'll continue to take livejournal by storm in 2007. if you're in need of a resolution, how about FEEDBACK?

this week's challenge is: fortitude

100 words (or no more than 250), any f/f pairing, any fandom. (see the userinfo for complete rules).

please tag your entries "challenge98"

comment with questions or suggestions for future challenges (shameless self-indulgence is encouraged)

challenge98, challenges

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