Title: Without Mistletoe
Author: Michelle K. (CageyGrl@yahoo.com)
Fandom: The West Wing
Category: Donna/Amy, drabble
Spoilers: through "Abu El Banat"
Rating: PG
Summary: Merry Christmas.
Disclaimer: Not mine. Don't sue.
Josh gives you your present the day before Christmas Eve. A watch engraved with words resembling love. If you had any sense, you'd take what he offers. Instead, you give him a hug and a 'Happy Holidays.'
You wear it until you get to her apartment, taking a moment to slip it into your bag. You wonder why you feel guilty -- she's the cheater.
But you've always been the good girl.
There are no brightly wrapped gifts awaiting you when you step inside. Just her fingers under your shirt; her mouth on your neck.
It's all you really wanted.